What documents are needed for a mortgage at VTB 24? Full list

List of documents for completing the application

To obtain a loan from a bank to purchase real estate, you first need to submit an application.

In this case you will need to provide:

  1. Application forms.
  2. Civil passports of borrowers.
  3. SNILS (for Russian citizenship of applicants).
  4. Documents confirming income: for an individual - certificates in form 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank, for an individual entrepreneur - a declaration for the last year. These items are skipped for payroll clients.
  5. Work record book (duly certified copy) or certificate (extract) from it.
  6. Military ID (if the borrower is a man within the conscription age range).
  7. Migration documents (for foreign citizens).

The bank has the right to request additional documents necessary to make a decision on issuing a loan or refusing to provide it.

Who can count on getting a mortgage at VTB 24 - bank requirements for other documents

Every banking organization uses its own technologies to assess the solvency of borrowers. This affects the requirements for the selection of documentation and certificates for obtaining a loan. Of course, clients try to choose the most loyal program, where the amount of necessary information is close to the minimum.

What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage at VTB 24? This depends on the conditions of the lending system, which takes into account terms and interest rate parameters. For example, in some cases, a bank may accept an application only on the basis of two or three documents:

  • — passports;
  • - work book;
  • - income certificates.

This is quite enough for the financial organization to assess the integrity of the applicant and make a decision on the advisability of further cooperation with him.

At the same time, somewhat ambiguous situations occur, such as the fact that the applicant has a “lame” credit history. Perhaps there are explanations for the reasons for the delay, and the person has already corrected himself. But on the other hand, where is the guarantee that this will not happen again? What documents do you think are needed to obtain a mortgage for an apartment at VTB24 under such circumstances? Of course, the bank is forced to minimize its own risks. Therefore, he will request more extensive information about the borrower. But before we dwell on the specifics, let’s consider the underlying basis for the need for the borrower to submit a full package of papers.

Program “Victory over formalities”

VTB24 has launched a special program to simplify the process of obtaining a mortgage loan. The required documents in this case are only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS (if available) or TIN (for an individual entrepreneur, military personnel, etc.). The application is reviewed within 24 hours.

Essential terms of the offer:

  • The down payment amount is at least 30%.
  • Inability to use maternity capital funds.
  • Applies to both secondary housing and new buildings, as well as refinancing of existing mortgage loans.

Mortgage refinancing at VTB (VTB 24)

It often happens that a previously issued loan turned out to be unprofitable, or the current financial situation tends to worsen, and the obligations under the original agreement become unbearable.

In such cases, it is proposed to use the recrediting program, which will allow you to repay the debt to the original creditor in full and conclude a new agreement on more favorable terms.

Refinancing offers:

  • the agreement term is up to 30 years;
  • the amount of re-crediting is no more than 30 million rubles;
  • loan amount – no more than 80% of the assessed value of the property;
  • the tariff is set for the entire term of the on-lending agreement;
  • the minimum interest rate is 10.6% if the borrower participates in a salary project and has additionally entered into insurance agreements, otherwise the rate increases by 1%.

Delay on a mortgage at VTB (VTB 24) threatens the borrower with penalties stipulated by the terms of the agreement.

Before contacting the bank, it is recommended to read reviews on VTB mortgages (VTB 24) on thematic forums.

What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage at VTB 24

After the loan application is approved, the borrower begins searching for real estate. When the object is selected, the following documents for the apartment are provided to the bank:

  1. Documents confirming the emergence and registration of ownership rights from the seller - a certificate of state registration/extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, a purchase and sale or equity participation agreement, etc. (copies).
  2. Civil passports of sellers (copies).
  3. Report on the assessment of real estate planned for acquisition.

The last document is prepared by specialized organizations that have a certificate of admission to the specified type of work. It is issued by a self-regulatory organization. You can contact not just any appraiser, but one approved by the bank. A list of them can be found on the VTB24 website.

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“Victory over formalities” from VTB: conditions and current interest

Mortgage in VTB 24 according to two documents - conditions

VTB 24 offers its clients a simplified option for receiving funds. The program consists of issuing a mortgage using two documents in the shortest possible time. Convenient, but such a mortgage is characterized by high interest rates, a short period for repaying the debt, and the need to make a large down payment.

2 documents for obtaining a VTB mortgage:

  • personal passport;
  • another personal identification document (foreign passport, driver's license).

If spouses wish to receive a loan this way, then a copy of the second partner’s passport will also be required.

It’s convenient that you can apply for a loan online on the bank’s website. For this purpose, you will need to fill out an online form and upload scanned copies of all papers. Citizens will be notified by email about the results of consideration of the appeal.

Additional documents

There may be minor children among the owners of the property being sold. This situation may arise, for example, when using maternity capital to purchase an apartment. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities for the transaction.

They make an approving decision if the child’s living conditions do not deteriorate, and he has been allocated or is scheduled to be allocated a corresponding share in the right to another residential property. The last option involves providing documents for the purchased housing.

If the property being sold was acquired by a person while he was married, then the consent of the spouse is required to alienate the jointly acquired property. The document is subject to notarization. The original is submitted for registration of the transfer of ownership to Rosreestr, after which it is returned to the seller.

Mortgage for the military

If there is an active military member in the family, they are provided with a certificate that can be used to pay off the down payment on a mortgage. VTB offers military mortgages at a reduced rate of 11%.

To apply for a mortgage with benefits, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Spouses must be in a relationship that is officially registered.
  • Borrowers must be classified as citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Military personnel cannot own a business that is jointly owned.
  • Real estate is registered with the right of joint ownership of spouses.
  • You cannot register ownership of children if they have not reached the age category of 18+.
  • The husband and wife are indicated in the Unified State Register of Real Estate as owners of residential real estate.

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Documents of a legal entity

When the seller of real estate is an organization, you will need to provide a package of documents regarding it, including copies:

  • Constituent documents taking into account all changes.
  • Certificates of state registration.
  • Tax registration certificates.
  • Certificates of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A document confirming the authority of the representative. He signs the purchase and sale agreement and other documents. They may be an order for the appointment of a director, a power of attorney, passports, etc.

Terms of secondary mortgage at VTB

For those who are planning to purchase an apartment or house on the secondary market, VTB offers separate conditions. They are reflected in more detail in the following table.

This is the most popular option for purchasing real estate among the population. There is also the “More meters - lower rate” program, which provides for the purchase of an apartment from 65 m2 on the primary or secondary market. The conditions are the same as for the first offer, only here you need to take out comprehensive insurance.

To obtain a secondary mortgage from VTB, you just need to meet a few simple conditions. First of all, you need to fill out an initial application on the company’s official website. It contains basic information about the borrower. There are very few requirements for potential clients.

In particular, this means having permanent and official employment for at least 3 months and a total work experience of at least a year. Russian citizenship is not mandatory; the company also works with residents of other countries. Also, it is not necessary to have guarantors; they may only be needed if a very large amount of money is required.

To draw up an additional financing agreement, you need to collect and submit a standard package of documents for verification. Among them:

  1. An application form for the issuance of funds, which can be downloaded on the company’s official website.
  2. Issuer's passport. As stated earlier, citizenship does not matter. However, citizens of the Russian Federation and the CIS still have an advantage over other clients.
  3. A copy of the work book and income certificate.
  4. Military ID for males under 27 years of age.

If a citizen of another country acts as a guarantor in the contract, then he must present a document confirming the legality of his stay in the territory of the Russian Federation and a certificate of official employment in the country. Above is the main list of papers required when obtaining a secondary mortgage from VTB. However, employees of the organization may require additional documentation depending on the specific case.

The property being purchased must meet certain criteria. It should not be in disrepair, have any restrictions or seizures, the presence of basic communications and registration with the cadastral authorities must be present.

In addition, when drawing up a loan agreement, you will also need to take out property insurance, since the purchased housing remains pledged until the debt obligations are fully repaid.

Contents of the application form

Let’s take a closer look at the application form that is filled out when submitting an application to the bank for a mortgage loan. The form can be found on the official website of VTB24.

The document contains the following information:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic, status of the applicant - borrower, guarantor or mortgagor, degree of relationship with the borrowers, date of birth.
  2. Information about the channel for informing about the bank's mortgage product - recommendations from friends, a real estate company, advertising, and so on.
  3. Personal information – SNILS, INN, address of actual residence, reasons for being at the specified address (hiring, own property, living with relatives or other).
  4. Contact information – telephone numbers, email address.
  5. Marital status, indication of the presence or absence of a marriage contract.
  6. Information about changing your surname.
  7. Type of education received.
  8. Information about employment - main and additional place of work (including income after taxes), an indication of receiving wages on the card of the bank in question.
  9. Assets – real estate and movable property, accumulated funds.
  10. Information on the application of bankruptcy proceedings and alimony payments.
  11. The final part with confirmation of awareness of the bank’s tariffs and additional costs, signatures and consent to the processing of personal data.

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Required documents for a mortgage at VTB 24 in 2020

There is a specific list of required papers that are standard for all borrowers. The package of papers for certain categories of clients may differ, including a couple of documents on top. Standard package includes:

  • Regular passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Another document for identification (SNILS).
  • Certificate of income.
  • Certificate from your place of work.
  • Certificate from BKI.

If you bring a copy of your passport, then all pages must be included, even blank ones. This is a strict requirement! You must remember that by submitting documents, you automatically consent to the processing of this data.

If the borrower is a man under 27 years of age, he must provide a military ID. It is also mandatory for spouses to attach a marriage certificate.

These are the main conditions for a borrower to take out a mortgage loan from VTB 24. Other groups will need to supplement this list with other securities.

Applications to the questionnaire

Two attachments are attached to the questionnaire. The first contains information about the requested loan: purpose, loan conditions (not filled in when refinancing a loan), participation in special programs (“Victory over formalities”, “Mortgage for the military” and others), desired payment period (at the beginning or in the middle of the month, not indicated in the “Mortgage for the military”), insured risks (full package or only insurance of the collateral).


Real estate expert

Appendix 2 is an addendum sheet. It indicates information that did not fit in the main questionnaire, as well as those that the applicant wants to communicate to the bank.

What does a shortened package of documents look like?

The abbreviated package of documents looks like this:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If the borrower is a foreign citizen, then a foreign passport or visa, as well as documents confirming the legality of stay in Russia.
  • a copy of the work book or employment contract with the employer's stamp on each page.
  • certificate 2-NDFL or according to the bank form.

If you have chosen the “Victory over formalities” program and the down payment amount is no less than 40% of the cost of the apartment and no less than 50% of the cost of the apartments, then you can submit only 2 documents - a passport and SNILS . But remember that for this the loan rate will increase by 0.7%.

Requirements for the purchased object

Not all real estate properties can be purchased with a VTB mortgage. The bank will not issue a loan for the purchase of:

  1. Premises and buildings for non-residential and commercial purposes (office, retail, warehouse space, and so on).
  2. A house that is not intended for permanent residence (dacha, bathhouse, etc.).
  3. Foreign real estate, as well as in the region of the Russian Federation where there is no VTB24 branch.
  4. Housing with a valid encumbrance.
  5. Seized property or property that is subject to legal proceedings.
  6. The property is owned by a seller who is bankrupt or is at the stage of being declared bankrupt.
  7. Real estate owned by the borrower's spouse or previously owned by one of the spouses.
  8. Redesigned premises - summer premises are combined with a room, heating appliances are moved to the summer room, door or window openings are removed, partitions are demolished, risers are moved, etc.

The borrower needs to know the list of documents both for submitting an application and when choosing real estate and executing the transaction. Being aware and prepared will help the applicant obtain a positive decision and reduce the time required to complete all procedures.

Requirements for the property

The property you are going to buy must meet the following conditions:

  1. Should not be pledged to the bank;
  2. If there are several owners, everyone must write a waiver of ownership;
  3. When sharing shares, the participants must agree peacefully and sign the relevant documents;
  4. A competent expert must evaluate the premises; the standards established by the State must not be violated.

Documents for mortgage

In 2020, VTB requires the following documents to apply for mortgage lending:

  • Completed mortgage application form;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • A copy of the civil contract;
  • A copy of the work book;
  • Certificate type 2NDFL;
  • Documents for the immovable subject;
  • Consent of one of the spouses to conduct the transaction. You must first have it certified by a notary;
  • Registration extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

VTB salary clients can apply for a mortgage with the presentation of only two documents:

  1. Russian Federation passport;
  2. SNILS.

The borrower is required to:

  • Work period in one place for at least 3 months;
  • Total work experience of 1 year;
  • It is prohibited to register an individual entrepreneur or own a business;
  • The bank will consider only the money received on the card as income.

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