Preferential queue to receive a voucher to a sanatorium

Legislative principles

Rules for the allocation of health subsidies

The foundations of regulatory regulation in this area are laid by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 178-FZ). It is possible to formulate a number of rules in accordance with which preferential vouchers to a sanatorium are provided:

  1. To exercise your right to receive preferential sanatorium and resort treatment, you must contact the territorial authorities of social protection of the population.
  2. The right to receive this type of benefits arises from the moment a citizen is assigned the appropriate status: a disabled child, a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, etc.).
  3. The benefit period is 1 year. In the first year after receiving the right to a benefit, the period begins to be calculated from the moment such a right is assigned until December 31.
  4. Benefits for sanatorium treatment are provided on a first-come, first-served basis as documents are completed and places become available in sanatorium-resort institutions.
  5. It is permissible to refuse to receive preferential sanatorium-resort treatment in exchange for receiving monetary compensation in the manner established by Art. 6.3 of Law No. 178 - Federal Law.
  6. No matter. no matter how many reasons the applicant has, he can take advantage of the benefit no more than once a year.

Categories of beneficiaries

Several categories of citizens can receive benefits for sanatorium and resort treatment on the basis of several federal regulations. This is about:

  • disabled children;
  • disabled people and/or participants in the Great Patriotic War;
  • combat veterans;
  • military personnel awarded medals and orders of the USSR during the Second World War;
  • military personnel in the army during the Second World War who were not part of the active army, but served for at least six months;
  • home front workers during the Second World War, defense participants during this period, crew members of transport ships;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad, awarded the corresponding badge;
  • victims of radiation exposure as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, tests at the Semipalatinsk test site and persons equated to this category;
  • disabled people of any group;
  • family members of deceased and deceased disabled people and WWII participants (for example, widows);
  • family members of people who died during the Second World War, hospital workers in Leningrad.

Regional authorities also have the right to establish benefits for certain categories of citizens. Thus, capital pensioners, orphans, and children from low-income families can relax in a sanatorium at the expense of the budget.

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Unfortunately, the authorities of other regions do not respond so positively to the question of who is entitled to preferential vouchers to the sanatorium. In some regions, the list includes labor veterans and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Which sanatoriums provide vouchers?

Sanatoriums that are part of the state healthcare system of the Russian Federation are intended for preferential treatment.

This should take into account:

  • characteristics of the patient’s health condition, including the presence of contraindications (sometimes, for example, pregnancy becomes a contraindication);
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • the possibility of providing the patient with the necessary treatment (qualified doctors and equipment, specialization of the institution);
  • climatic factors that can positively or negatively affect the patient’s health;
  • transport accessibility of the resort, potential travel conditions;
  • previous treatment, data from existing tests and other studies on the patient’s health status.

The list of sanatoriums was approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation by Order 301n, the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 449n dated July 10, 2013. It includes 816 institutions. All of them are located on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Despite the anticipation, this list has not yet been supplemented with sanatoriums in Crimea. This is largely due to the full workload of existing institutions in the new region.

Maximum stay period

The duration of a preferential stay in a sanatorium is determined by Art. 6.2 of Law No. 178-FZ. Its duration is directly related to which category the vacationer belongs to.

As a general rule, treatment will last 18 days. However there are exceptions for:

  • disabled child – 21 days;
  • disabled people whose status is associated with diseases or injuries of the spinal cord and brain - from 24 to 42 days. .

Previously, the duration of sanatorium treatment was established by the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation by Decree No. 64 dated August 6, 1997 and was, as a rule, 24 days. Now this document has lost force.

Prerogatives of certain groups of citizens

Despite the fact that the state tries to take care of all socially vulnerable categories of citizens, certain groups can count on priority receipt of vouchers. Among them:

  • disabled people and WWII participants;
  • WWII veterans;
  • home front workers;
  • victims of political repression (if the region provides benefits, as is done in Moscow).

In children's recreation, priority is given to orphans, disabled children and members of large families.

How to find out the waiting list for housing for orphans

But it is orphans and children who cannot be cared for by their parents that cause particular concern. The state must take care not only about the provision of living space, but also other areas for this category of citizens that are necessary for their development and full-fledged life.

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The state must provide housing for this category of people until they reach the age of 23. This means that when they graduate from university or the time comes for their demobilization from the army, this category of citizens is obliged to have living space or receive money that will be spent on its purchase.

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The procedure for providing preferential vouchers to sanatoriums is determined by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation by Order No. 256 dated November 22, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 256). It determines how to obtain and exercise the right of citizens to receive sanatorium treatment, and how beneficiaries are selected.

Where are benefits issued?

In accordance with clause 1.2 of Order No. 256, the first step on the path to obtaining the desired voucher is to contact your doctor at a medical institution at your place of residence. There is also a medical commission that makes a decision on the need to refer the patient to a sanatorium-resort treatment.

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As a general rule, the attending physician himself can decide on the presence of indications and contraindications for treatment, but in controversial cases it will be necessary to involve a medical commission.

Also, on the basis of clause 1.5 of Order No. 256, only the medical commission of the clinic makes a decision when applying to persons entitled to receive a preferential voucher.

After this, you can safely contact the branch of the Social Insurance Fund at your place of residence with a package of documents to be placed on the waiting list for beneficiaries.

Collection of necessary documents

The list of documents for obtaining a discounted voucher is relatively short. It includes:

  • application for a travel voucher;
  • medical certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment, form No. 070/u;
  • identification document of the applicant;
  • a document confirming the right to receive benefits - a certificate of a WWII Veteran, a certificate of disability, etc.;
  • child’s birth certificate, for example, if we are talking about disabled children.

The list of documents may be supplemented depending on the grounds on which the applicant is applying for benefits; for example, non-working pensioners will need a work book as proof of dismissal.

In the capital region, in the social authority. defense will require a certificate from the pension department if the applicant uses federal benefits not through the Moscow or regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If, together with the beneficiary, an accompanying person (for example, the mother of a disabled child or another adult representative) has the right to receive a voucher, his documents will also be required.


The validity period of the certificate in form No. 070/y is only six months!

In accordance with Order No. 256, the applicant, having received a voucher, must visit a local therapist no later than 2 months from the start of treatment and begin an examination to obtain a sanatorium card in form No. 072/u-04. To do this, the voucher must be issued no later than 2 months before departure, but in practice this period is often reduced to 1 month.

Separately, free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment is provided. It can be in the form:

  • free travel voucher;
  • monetary compensation for purchased tickets.

To receive a coupon you will need to provide the following to the social security department:

  • identification document;
  • application for a voucher;
  • certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the right to benefits;
  • a trip to the sanatorium.

The package of documents for receiving compensation for already purchased and used tickets will be somewhat larger. In addition to those listed above you will need:

  • certificate from the sanatorium confirming your stay for treatment;
  • purchased and used travel documents;

Preferential vouchers for disabled people in sanatoriums in 2020

Then, with such a coupon, you can either go directly to the railway ticket office and receive a ready-made railway ticket there upon presentation of your passport. Or issue an electronic ticket online through the Russian Railways website (, having previously registered there. in the latter case, everything can be done without leaving home.

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Thus, a budget voucher gives the right to use free health services. Drug therapy, climatic conditions and special procedures significantly improve the health of persons with disabilities.

How to check your place in the electronic queue

When registering to wait for a preferential voucher, the applicant is entered into the database. After this, he will be able to check how the preferential queue for a ticket to a sanatorium is progressing, and estimate at least approximately how soon he will be able to receive treatment.

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The online resources of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are available for tracking. In fact, they exist in every region. To check, just enter your SNILS number.

Often the queue moves rather slowly, because there are quite a lot of people who want to relax and receive treatment, and the number of places in sanatoriums of a suitable profile is limited.

Therefore, in practice, getting a free ticket in the summer can be quite difficult. But no matter how slowly the queue for sanatorium vouchers moves, sooner or later everyone’s turn will come. Most likely it will be autumn or winter, because in the summer, health resorts are in maximum demand by private vacationers.

Queue for social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees in Moscow

  1. Vouchers are allocated for disabled people.
  2. Participants and disabled combatants of 1941-45 have the right to apply for a referral.
  3. Employees of the penal system, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other law enforcement agencies who took part in military battles can also apply for a voucher.
  4. Military personnel of battalions and motor troops in Afghanistan 1979-89.
  5. This right is reserved for the families of deceased disabled people or participants in hostilities.
  6. Siege survivors of Leningrad.

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Support for citizens who have reached retirement age on behalf of the state involves not only financial support, but also the provision of in-kind assistance, including vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts. The queue for social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees in Moscow is formed taking into account submitted applications from applicants and is subsequently subject to close monitoring on their part.

Possible reasons for refusal

There are very few reasons to refuse a ticket. In fact, a person who has the right to it cannot be denied. Exceptions are possible if an incomplete package of documents has been submitted, in which case the applicant will not be put on a waiting list until the full package of documents has been received.

The question arises about the need to submit documents at the place of registration. Refusal due to lack of registration may well be lawful.

Thus, the Moscow region provides residents with an expanded list of benefits. Pensioners without disabled status or any other status provided for by federal legislation can get a voucher here, but for this they must provide a passport with capital registration at their place of residence. Refusal in the absence of such registration is legal.

A long queue cannot be grounds for refusal. Let it be slow, but sooner or later it will reach every applicant and it is impossible to refuse on this basis, because the right of each beneficiary is in no way connected with previously submitted applications.

Orphans: adoption and guardianship

The guardian receives all the rights of a real parent who is involved in the maintenance, upbringing and mental development of the child. This does not negate the duties of the guardianship authorities to periodically check the situation in the family, relationships within a small unit of society and the compliance of the guardian with the given parameters.

  • the financial situation must be stable;
  • must own residential property (house, apartment);
  • the apartment must meet the child’s needs, i.e. it must have its own separate room for him;
  • earnings must be stable and above the minimum level;
  • You need a certificate stating that there is no criminal record.

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Financial compensation

In accordance with Art. 6.3 of Law 178-FZ, it is possible to refuse to provide a voucher at the request of the beneficiary. To do this, you must fill out and submit to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF Pension Fund) an application in the form approved by the Letter of the RF Pension Fund dated October 25, 2011 N LCH-28-25/12290.

Rules for submitting an application for refusal:

  • An application for renewal or refusal of one or more social services provided for by Law No. 178-FF is submitted for the next year no later than October 1 of the current year. That is, if the parent of a disabled child decides to refuse sanatorium treatment in 2020, then the application must be submitted no later than October 1, 2018.
  • You can submit an appeal directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or multifunctional centers located in most populated areas of the country. If technically possible, applications through electronic portals are allowed.

Queue order for social vouchers to sanatoriums for retirees in Moscow in 2019

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Pensioners living in Moscow who have the right to receive certain benefits and compensation have the right to stand in line to receive free vouchers to health resorts throughout Russia.

Guarantees of social support for orphans and children left without parental care

Tax Code of the Russian Federation in paragraph. 2 p. 2 art. 387, paragraph 2 of Art. 399 provides for the possibility of establishing additional tax benefits, for example, exemption from land tax or complete exemption from personal income tax at the expense of the regional budget in accordance with local legislation.

  • Children under 14 years of age have the right to be placed in a family under guardianship, a foster family or a foster family;
  • Children from 14 to 18 years of age have the right to be placed in a family under guardianship, in a foster family or foster family;
  • Placement into a foster family (adoption);
  • Until this right is exercised, if it is not yet possible to arrange adoption into a family, children are guaranteed temporary stay in an organization for orphans, according to the RF IC (Clause 1, Article 123, Articles 152, 155.1), as well as Art. 12 of Moscow Law No. 12 of April 14, 2010

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Definition of orphan

Expert opinion

Davydov Alexander Yurievich

Civil law consultant with 20 years of practice. Author of numerous articles on legal topics

Citizens find themselves in various situations. Therefore, let us define the word orphan as it is interpreted by the current law. This category includes young children who have not celebrated their majority and whose parents have died.

There is also the concept of children left without parental care - these are citizens under the age of 18 who are left without guardians due to the following points:

  • deprivation of parental rights;
  • restrictions on parental powers;
  • recognition of the father and mother as missing;
  • recognition of relatives as incompetent;
  • death of parents;
  • establishment by a judicial authority of the fact that a child has lost the care of relatives;
  • parents serving time in prison;
  • being in custody or charged with a crime;
  • evasion of parents from raising their children or from protecting their rights;
  • refusal of relatives to pick up their children from educational, medical, social services. organizations;
  • if nothing is known about the parents;

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The baby is assigned an official status:

  1. orphans;
  2. a child left without family care.

This activity is carried out by state guardianship agencies of the local administration . Only after confirming their status and receiving special paper can a small child count on government support, including an apartment.

To assign a category, 2 points are important:

  • inability to receive care and financial support from parents for prescribed reasons (or others - decided individually);
  • not reaching the age of majority.
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