Immediately after the abolition of the gift tax, cases of transferring various real estate as gifts increased noticeably.
What is an extension to a building and what kind of work does it fall under? Each object is capped.
Concept The funded part of a pension is savings formed through contributions from the place of work,
It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance to collect documents to pay off the mortgage for the mother
How can I find out which school my child will go to according to his registration? The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is at least
List of documents for completing an application To obtain a loan from a bank for the purchase of real estate
Is it possible to obtain permanent registration in other localities, regions, regions? Moving and change
Procedure and necessary documents for submission to the MFC Procedure for applying Refusal Procedure for
Do I need to pay tax on an apartment if it is purchased with a mortgage? With one
The concept and purpose of a house book A house book (DK) is a special journal intended for entering