Housing for civil servants 1
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 63 Moscow “On providing federal government civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential property”
Eligibility for housing subsidies for civil servants Civil servants are employed in positions related to
Elevator replacement
How often should elevators in buildings be replaced?
Legislative norms In Art. 36 of the Housing Code (LC) lists objects related to common property
technical plan of the facility
Home / Real estate / Land / Land survey / Boundaries of land / Change
previously recorded area
Recognition of ownership of a land plot...removed from the cadastral register
Quite often, citizens are faced with issues that have legal implications and cannot be resolved
October bills
Payer categories Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each
water supply and sewerage of a multi-storey building
What to do if the hot water temperature is low
Features of water supply to multi-apartment buildings It is very difficult to establish a water supply for a multi-storey building with numerous
Connection to the aquifer system
Standard act for detecting illegal tapping into the soda supply network
Home/Water supply and sanitation/Unauthorized connection of water supply Attention Unauthorized connection to water supply networks is illegal use
How to write off rent penalties if the debt is repaid
Legislative provisions Many people want not to pay penalties on receipts received for housing and communal services. This is desire
does the rent increase during temporary registration?
On the impact of temporary registration on the increase in rent from the owner
In our country, citizens often move from one city to another, this may be
Why do we need a power outage act? Legal standards
Legislation requiring notice The importance of electricity supply is such that many facilities cannot be de-energized,
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