How to obtain an extract from the house register through State Services?

What are they and where can you need a document?

An extract from the house register is a document that is required when performing procedurally significant actions and reflects the number of registered residents in a certain area (in an apartment located in an apartment building, in a private house, in a room, and so on).

The statement can be of two types:

  • A regular document indicating the residents registered in the premises at a given time.
  • An expanded document in which, in addition to currently registered residents, previously discharged people are also indicated.

An extract of any type is drawn up on a standard form, which indicates:

  • document's name
  • residential address
  • Owner's name
  • total area and number of rooms
  • Full name of registered citizens
  • date of birth of residents
  • date of registration and deregistration
  • marks on completion of military service (the column is filled out only when registering in the premises of citizens liable for military service)

The usual extract confirms the composition of the family. Document required:

  • for registration of any benefits, including for minor children or disabled children
  • registration of benefits
  • to determine the amount of alimony, for example, in case of divorce in court
  • upon adoption and/or guardianship
  • upon receipt of a civil passport
  • admission to an educational institution, including school and kindergarten

The document may also be requested by other government agencies if it is necessary to obtain information about family composition.

An extended statement is required when completing a real estate purchase and sale transaction.

Using this document, the buyer checks the possibility of receiving claims from other family members, for example, who at the time of the transaction were drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

We order an extract from the house register through State Services in 2020

  • last name, first name, patronymic of all persons registered in the apartment (including minors)
  • passport details of registered citizens
  • dates and places of birth of registered persons
  • addresses of previous places of registration
  • full address of the apartment
  • citizenship and nationality of registered persons
  • information on the presence of persons liable for military service

The State Services portal was created so that the population does not waste their time queuing and obtaining information from various departments. To issue an extract through State Services, you will need to provide a certain package of documents, and they are also provided remotely, in the form of scans and photos. The user can independently make copies of documents and attach them to his application. What scanned documents will need to be prepared:

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How to obtain an archived extract from the house register through State Services online

How to order an extract from the house register through State Services? The procedure for obtaining a document is as follows.

Required documents and information

Before applying for an extract, you must prepare the following set of documents:

  • passport or birth certificate (for citizens under 14 years of age);
  • registration certificate (for citizens under 14 years of age);
  • documents confirming housing ownership;
  • notarized power of attorney (upon receipt of an extract by a legal representative).

Description of the procedure step by step

Next, the document is ordered on the State Services website.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  • user authorization;

  • finding a service that is located in the section “Apartment, construction and land” - “Issue of documents”;
  • filing an application indicating: - place of demand; — personal data of the applicant;

  • passport details;
  • the address to which the application is submitted.

— attachment of scanned copies of the required documents; — registration of the application; — receipt of the document.

Where can I pick up the document?

You can obtain the document:

  • online, to the email address specified by the user. When choosing this method, it is necessary to take into account that a copy of the extract is sent, that is, the document can be used solely for informational purposes;
  • by mail. This method allows you to receive the original document for free. The only negative is the waiting time, since shipment within one region takes a certain time;
  • in the multifunctional center (MFC). The fastest way to receive a document.

Sample statement

An example of a regular extract indicating family relationships regarding the owner of a residential premises.

Example of an extended statement:

How to get an extract from a house register from another city

  • go to the passport office: to do this, you need to take with you the house register, passport, proof of property rights;
  • if we are talking about an apartment building, then you need to go with a certificate of ownership, as well as a passport to the management company (management company);
  • Multifunctional centers and HOA partnerships are also suitable for solving the problem).

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Who is eligible to receive an extract? Since this document contains some kind of confidential information about persons related to housing, the right to receive it is limited to a certain circle of citizens. Who can get it? The following persons have the right to apply to the authorized body for an extract and receive it:

Registration deadlines

It takes from 1 to 7 days to provide information on the number of registered citizens in a residential building.

The waiting period for a document varies depending on the following parameters:

  • type of statement. A regular document is issued within 1-3 days from the date of application. It takes 3 to 7 business days to produce an extended certificate;
  • the chosen method of obtaining the document. You can receive a copy of the statement by email directly on the day of application. Certificates are delivered to the MFC within 1-4 days. It takes 2-7 business days to send the document by mail.

Extended archival extract from the house register

This is a document that reflects the entire history of registrations and discharges of people living in it for the entire period of existence of this apartment, when they arrived to live, and also at what address they left.

Such an extract may be needed if you are requesting certain benefits or selling an apartment.

It will serve as a guarantee to the buyer that there will be no future persons who may claim to live in the apartment. Such persons may be those temporarily discharged from their living space - military personnel, those undergoing long-term treatment in a hospital, those working for a long time on a business trip in another city or country, or those located in places not so remote.

In other cases, you will need a regular statement.

To whom is the archived extract provided?

  • A mother can receive an archived extract for her child, even if she or the child is no longer registered at this address
  • property owner
  • an outsider with a notarized power of attorney to receive an extract

How long is the statement valid?

The validity period of the extract is determined by each department independently:

School, kindergarten, higher education institution2-4 weeks
Social Services1 month
Judicial authorities3 months
Passport Office3 months
Registration of a real estate purchase and sale transactionNot installed

Documents to be received

Must be provided

  • passport
  • document on ownership of the apartment
  • a house register if you live in a private house, because in this case you, as the owner of an individual home, are required to maintain it yourself. If you live in an apartment building, the house register is located in the very center of State Services in electronic form.

The second document is sometimes not required from the property owner, since the passport has a stamp with registration, and the MFC computer reflects information about the ownership of the passport bearer. However, it is always better to play it safe and have a complete set of documents with you.

Procedure for obtaining if there is no access to State Services

In 2020, it is not possible to obtain an extract from the house register online through the Public Services portal in all regions of the Russian Federation. The service is available in Moscow, St. Petersburg and surrounding areas, Rostov-on-Don and some other cities.

If it is impossible to order an extract from State Services, then the document can be obtained:

  • in the multifunctional center;
  • in the housing office or management company;
  • at the passport office;
  • in administration;
  • on other Internet resources. For example, Moscow residents can order a document on the city mayor’s website.

The procedure for obtaining an extract is as follows:

  • preparation of a package of documents (passports, birth certificates, documents for real estate);
  • visiting the selected institution and submitting a written application, which indicates: - the name of the body to which the application is being submitted; — Full name, date of birth, place of registration and passport details of the applicant or his legal representative; — contact phone number of the applicant; — address of the premises for which the certificate is required; — the period for which it is necessary to obtain information; — number of original extracts; — list of attached documents (section “Note”); — date of filing and signature of the applicant;

  • receiving an extract after the document has been produced.

Issuance of statements when visiting in person or when ordering online is free. There is also no state fee for the production and issuance of the document.

How to get a house book? House book: where to get it

Not always and not everyone needs a house register; sometimes only an extract from it is needed. This is also a document. It has the same legal force as a book. It is necessary in many cases. Sometimes even a copy of the extract is enough if someone who is not the owner of the premises needs to receive it, but this document is needed for legal transactions.

How to get a house book? A house book is received for several reasons: for the first time, if the old one has been damaged, or if it has been lost. Where can I get a house book in Moscow? It is necessary to contact the FMS with a written application in any form with a request to issue a document.

25 Jan 2020 etolaw 1200

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