Author of the article: Vladimir Danilevsky Last modified: January 2020 3344
The current legislation clearly defines the requirements for workplaces of employees of organizations performing work within the framework of job regulations. Any deviation from labor law norms is strictly punishable. At the same time, the employer himself should be interested in observing temperature standards in the workplace, because the productivity of the subordinate and the final result of his activities directly depend on this. The main document establishing the requirements for the microclimate in the premises of organizations is SanPiN. What you need to know about the latest act, and what liability a negligent manager faces in case of violations will be discussed in the article.
Why sanitary temperature standards in the office must be observed without fail
Employees who spend the entire working day in the company's office are engaged in mental work - they draw up documentation, work at the computer, negotiate with clients and counterparties, solve operational problems, respond to correspondence, develop projects, etc. What unites the listed functions is that they are all performed in a sitting position - office employees suffer from physical inactivity, that is, lack of movement. This mode of operation has a negative impact on health, and unfavorable temperature conditions only aggravate the situation.
Scientists have conducted many studies, the results of which have shown that a temperature deviation from the norm within just one degree has such a negative impact on the efficiency of office work that it is advisable for the employer to shorten the working day if it is not possible to ensure an optimal microclimate in the room. It follows that the employer is obliged to comply with sanitary temperature standards in the office, not only because this is required by law, but also due to a sharp decrease in staff productivity
Is it necessary to bring down the temperature of 38-38.5 for an adult?
Mild hyperthermia (38-38.2) is not so rare. Usually people do not try to immediately call a doctor, especially since it is often associated with a cold or hypothermia. In a healthy adult, this condition goes away quickly and does not require long-term and thorough treatment.
Therefore, you should not immediately try to lower the readings on the thermometer.
It should be borne in mind that as the temperature rises, proteins coagulate, that is, coagulate, which are the basis of the structure of many pathogenic microorganisms and, first of all, viruses.
In this way, the body gets rid of the invading infectious agent. The immune system, or rather leukocytes and lymphocytes, is responsible for the development of this reaction.
Sometimes a jump in temperature helps overcome influenza infection, which, with additional preventive measures, simply does not have the opportunity to completely take over the body.
In this case, the desire to lower the numbers on the thermometer will turn against the patient himself.
When the question arises about whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature of 38-38.4 for an adult, then you should think carefully about this. The fact is that when an infection enters the body, it responds with hyperthermia. At the same time, interferon is produced and released into the blood, which helps cope with the disease.
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A significant increase in temperature causes vasodilation and an active flow of blood saturated with immune cells. All this does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply and destroys them at the very beginning of the disease.
Moreover, with the active activity of lymphocytes, a person’s defenses are enhanced. All this helps to quickly overcome the infection.
Therefore, some people think that they suffered a mild form of the disease. And indeed, as a result of the increase in temperature, the body managed to successfully cope with it.
Recommendations from experts
Modern doctors recommend not trying to lower the thermometer readings at any cost. It is necessary to allow the immune defense to take effect.
Therefore, if the patient has a hard time tolerating the fever, then you can resort to home remedies.
It is very important not to rush to take medications that lower body temperature. It is better to drink more water, which will quickly flush out toxins and help stimulate blood circulation.
This becomes necessary because under conditions of hyperthermia the blood thickens. Therefore, for its active circulation, a lot of additional fluid is required
It is better to drink more water, which will quickly flush out toxins and help stimulate blood circulation. This becomes necessary because under conditions of hyperthermia the blood thickens. Therefore, for its active circulation, a lot of additional fluid is required.
Gradually, the numbers on the thermometer will return to normal levels, and the threat of the disease will be left behind.
It is necessary to clearly determine what to drink at a temperature of 38-38.5 in an adult.
It is best to give preference:
- fruit drinks;
- rosehip decoction;
- herbal preparations;
- mineral water without gas;
- compotes;
- green tea.
It is advisable to consume such drinks every hour. They actively normalize metabolism, quickly remove toxins, and significantly strengthen the body's defenses.
In addition, those who have chronic diseases should pay close attention to ensure that extreme heat does not aggravate them. Therefore, such patients need to take antihypertensive drugs, diuretics or cardiotonics
Therefore, such patients need to take antihypertensive drugs, diuretics or cardiotonics.
You can also drink preventive antiviral substances that will support the functioning of organs and systems.
What is meant by comfortable working conditions and optimal conditions?
To make the work of office staff more efficient, the employer needs to create comfortable working conditions. But the concept of comfort is subjective - each employee may have his own idea of comfortable working conditions, it all depends on individual preferences, and this fully applies to temperature conditions. One employee prefers the office to be “fresh,” while another complains about the air conditioning and a persistent runny nose. How, in this case, can an employer determine the “right” temperature reading?
In fact, the concept of “comfort” is not used in regulations and official documents. Therefore, the employer is not obliged to conduct surveys among workers to find out what air temperature they give their consent to. In professional vocabulary the term “optimal conditions” is used. The optimal air temperature in an office space was determined through many complex physiological studies and calculations, taking into account the average human needs.
And the employer can only comply with the developed standards given in regulatory documents.
What temperature should be lowered during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, many women in the first trimester note an increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees . Most often, this is an absolutely normal and natural reaction of the body to internal changes. But if the indicators exceed these figures, this should alert you. What body temperature should you lower during pregnancy?
- Being pregnant, you need to approach your health with special care and attention.
- The immune system may be weakened, making you more susceptible to infections.
Remember: 37.8 degrees is considered dangerous for the fetus . At 38 degrees, an adverse effect on the child’s developing nervous system, placenta, blood vessels, and heart can already occur.
When the temperature drops, preference should be given to natural folk remedies, if the situation allows, and the following is also indicated:
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Tea with raspberries
- Berry fruit drinks
- Milk with honey
But, if you need to act quickly, then it is better to use medications approved by your doctor in acceptable doses. The safest are drugs containing paracetamol, and in the 1st and 2nd trimester - with ibuprofen. In the 3rd trimester, such drugs are contraindicated.
Sanitary temperature standards in the office - SanPiN
The employer can find all the necessary information regarding sanitary standards, including those related to air temperature in the office, in SanPiN - sanitary rules and regulations - which are a special code that defines optimal health and hygiene standards for various areas of human activity, including employment
. SanPiN is mandatory for use, since this documentation is legislative (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The list of specific measures that employers need to take to ensure an optimal working microclimate is given in the text of Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Sanitary temperature standards in the office are given in the text of SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”, the standards of which were adopted in accordance with Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999.
When and how to lower the temperature?
To recover faster and avoid serious complications, you should not constantly lower your temperature . The immune system must be able to gradually overcome the disease. Not to mention the fact that antipyretics have side effects and will only increase the burden on a weakened body.
It makes sense to lower an adult’s temperature only after it has reached 38°. If its indicator is lower, then it is enough for the patient to drink plenty of fluids. It is also important to maintain bed rest.
When the temperature has crept up to 38°, then we need to look at the person’s condition. If he is not tormented by chills and severe migraines, then he should wait for a while. Some can even tolerate a temperature of 38.5° for a long time and do without antipyretics.
At a body temperature of 39.5°, it’s time to sound the alarm . In this case, you need to forget about self-medication and call doctors. Indeed, at this period of the disease, the temperature may begin to rise even faster and it will no longer be possible to bring it down with ordinary tablets.
Some of the most effective remedies for fighting fever include:
- Paracetamol . A cheap and effective remedy that will provide a decrease in temperature approximately an hour after administration. Paracetamol has few side effects and many doctors consider it one of the safest antipyretics;
- Aspirin . Another affordable drug that shows high effectiveness for fever. The disadvantage of aspirin is its negative effect on the stomach, so it is recommended to drink derivatives of the drug in the form of effervescent tablets;
- Ibuprofen . In terms of effectiveness, it is no different from paracetamol or aspirin.
Three days is the maximum allowable period for taking antipyretics . If the fever does not go away, then this is a serious cause for concern. Probably, the immune system is not able to cope with the disease and you will have to call a doctor at home.
Office temperature requirements in summer and winter
Since the employer provides the optimal temperature differently in summer and winter, the requirements for the microclimate also differ.
SanPiN obliges employers to take certain measures if the temperature regime cannot be established.
Prolonged exposure to high temperatures has a detrimental effect on the health of employees and their performance. The situation is aggravated by closed windows, large crowds of people, high air humidity, working office equipment, and the presence of a dress code at the enterprise. Cold offices are also not conducive to well-being and efficient work, especially for employees who cannot warm themselves up by moving. For some production workers, a short-term temperature drop of up to 15 C is acceptable, but not for office workers. The permissible temperature range is as follows:
Index | Summer months | Winter months |
Temperature | 23-25 C (increase to 28 C is allowed) | 22-24 C (fluctuations up to 1-2 C or short-term temperature jumps of 3-4 C are acceptable) |
Humidity | 40-60% | – |
Installation of an air conditioner and its timely maintenance is the responsibility of the employer, and collecting money from employees (or withholding funds from salaries) for climate control equipment is unacceptable.
If an employer does not comply with sanitary temperature standards in the office, legislation allows employees to arbitrarily reduce their working hours depending on the thermometer readings:
Temperature in the office | Length of working day |
29 C | 6 hours (instead of ![]() ![]() |
30 C | Reduction by 2 hours |
Each subsequent degree exceeding the norm | Reducing the working day by 1 hour for each degree above normal |
32.5 C | 1 hour |
19 C | 7 o'clock |
18 C | 6 hours |
Each subsequent degree is below normal | Reducing the working day by 1 hour for each degree below normal |
13 C | 1 hour |
How to bring down a high temperature at home quickly and safely?
Homemade antipyretics work no worse than pharmaceutical ones.
They do not harm the stomach and have no side effects. The choice of method should be selective and common sense used. The main principle that you should never forget is to do no harm. If you have the slightest doubt, consult a doctor. Folk remedies for fever are not recommended for everyone, and they are not that safe. What is written below is the result of personal experience and observations; I do not encourage this to be taken as the basis for treatment.
Raspberry drink
I believe that this is the most effective antipyretic. Any raspberry will do: fresh, frozen, pureed with sugar, in the form of jam or compote. The main thing is that the drink is not hot, otherwise it will not be possible to reduce the high temperature.
Raspberries are a proven remedy for fever
The berries contain organic acids, not least of which is salicylic acid. It stops the inflammatory process and has a diaphoretic effect. This is an analogue of aspirin. Unlike the pharmaceutical one, it does not harm the gastric mucosa. If there are no berries, leaves, young shoots, fresh or dried are suitable.
Cranberry juice
Cranberries, like raspberries, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. A vitamin drink made from it is a proven vitamin, antipyretic and diaphoretic remedy. Cranberry juice perfectly tones, protects against germs and helps reduce fever without medication in a short time.
According to the rules, you need to squeeze out the juice, then boil the cake, cool it and combine it with the juice. I do it simpler: pour the berries into a pan of water and bring to a boil. Perhaps some of the ascorbic acid is lost in this process, but we are not doing this for the sake of it.
Dried fruits compote
Compote should not be rich or too sweet
Dried apricots, raisins, prunes and dates are rich in salicylic acid salts. The patient usually has no appetite, so cook compote. It will normalize the water-salt balance, help avoid dehydration, and bring down the temperature without pills.
Fruits and vegetables
There are a lot of salicylates in strawberries, oranges, currants, bananas, and red grapes. These substances are found in tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. Eating fresh foods will strengthen your strength and normalize thermoregulation.
Honey water
Honey with water will give you strength and prevent dehydration.
Honey is a popular product from the arsenal of traditional medicine. Even doctors recommend it as a diaphoretic. It enhances detoxification and speeds up recovery. It is consumed separately, with tea or in the form of a solution - honey water.
Typical mistakes:
The employer installed an air conditioner behind the workplace of an office employee, from whom he constantly receives complaints of hypothermia.
A comment:
According to the requirements of SanPiN, the speed of air movement in the room cannot go beyond the range of 0.1-0.3 m/s. Employees should not be exposed to cold air.
The employer asks office employees what air temperature they would like to set in the room. As a result, employees independently regulate the air temperature - the air conditioning control panel is publicly available.
A comment:
The employer is obliged to set the room temperature specified in the text of SanPiN. The temperature standards mentioned in the document are the result of long-term research, during which the optimal temperature values were established, taking into account the average statistical needs of the human body.
What temperature should be lowered for chickenpox?
Many people who are faced with such a common disease are interested in what temperature should be lowered during chickenpox.
Remember: At the first sign of chickenpox, contact your doctor immediately!
- One of its first signs is an increase in temperature to 37.0 degrees or more.
- The most severe symptoms appear at 39.0 degrees or more.
- This temperature can last from three days to a week.
Whether or not to reduce a high temperature depends on the general condition of the patient. If chickenpox is accompanied by a severe deterioration in health, then you should take antipyretics and consult a doctor. In young children with a temperature of 37.0 degrees , it is already possible to help lower it. But carry out all manipulations only after consultation with a pediatrician.
Answers to common questions about sanitary temperature standards in the office
Question #1:
Does the type of ownership of the company or the level of subordination of the enterprise affect the employer’s obligation to ensure proper temperature conditions in the office premises?
No, regardless of the form of ownership and level of subordination of the company, the employer is obliged to provide employees with an appropriate microclimate in the office.
Question #2:
How to accurately determine the air temperature in an office space if it is lower near the floor than at the ceiling?
To avoid disputes regarding air temperature, the law obliges employers to place a thermometer at a distance of 1 meter from the floor.
What temperature should be lowered in a teenager?
Many parents, seeing a thermometer reading over 37.0 degrees , rush to give antipyretic drugs to their child. Is it right to do this? When should you use medications? What temperature should be lowered in a teenager?
An increase in human body temperature above the average norm can occur for many reasons:
- The most common of these is a viral infection.
- Experts do not recommend lowering the temperature below 38.0 degrees . Temperatures up to 38.5 degrees are not considered critical. After all, it is at this point that the active fight against the disease occurs.
- If a teenager feels normal and does not experience symptoms such as convulsions, breathing problems, vomiting, loose stools, then doctors do not recommend using an antipyretic drug up to 39.0 degrees .
Remember: But do not allow the temperature to exceed 39.0 degrees . In this case, the teenager’s defense mechanisms will begin to act to the detriment of health.
If there are undesirable manifestations that aggravate the patient’s condition, any elevated temperature must be brought down. It is also necessary to consult a doctor to avoid complications and other undesirable consequences.
Heat rate control
Heat control is about optimizing heating while minimizing costs. To do this, it is necessary to improve thermal insulation and follow a number of rules. Among them, the sealing of window frames and openings, as well as the lack of closing of heating radiators, stands out. Furniture from them is installed at a distance of at least one meter.
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Additionally, various thermostat options are used that can be adjusted as conditions change. An example would be a slight drop in temperature during sunny weather.
How to reduce heat loss in an apartment
Indoor heat measurement
For an optimal procedure for measuring heat, several nuances must be observed. Conditions:
- measurements are not taken in sunny weather;
- A leak test is carried out in advance. This is necessary to accurately identify the state of the heat supply;
- measurements are made in at least two rooms, but there is an exception for a one-room apartment with a window that occupies at least 30% of the wall area.
You will also need to take into account that measurements are taken within 60-100 cm above the floor and 50 cm from external walls. The last indicator is also used for the heating device, since its proximity will affect the indicators.
If an incorrect heat indicator is detected, you will need to report this to the emergency dispatch service, which will dispatch specialists. During the inspection, a report will be drawn up that includes all information on the indicators. This act must be signed by all members of the commission. It is drawn up in two identical copies, one of which remains with the owner of the living space.
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If an accurate measurement is required, then a special device is used that will take readings every hour. It is installed at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor and a meter from the external walls. This measurement option should be made without open windows or doors during neutral weather.
Air temperature standards according to GOST
The standards are established by a number of legislative acts in the form of SanPiN The regulation sets the temperature regime in warm weather to be no lower than 20 °C, and in winter not lower than 18 °C.
Different objects have their own individual meanings, since the provision of heat must be carried out in accordance with their characteristics.
The minimum norm for residential properties is considered to be +18 °C, and in areas with five-day temperatures below 31 degrees - 20 °C. Any discrepancies with the data that are regulated will constitute a violation.
Norms t in °C during the heating season, depending on the nature of the rooms.
Room | Optimal mode | Valid values |
corridor | 20-22 | 18-24 |
kitchen | 19-21 | 20-24 |
living room | 20-22 | 18-24 |
bedroom | 20-22 | 18-24 |
children's | 20-22 | 18-24 |
study | 20-22 | 18-24 |
toilet | 19-21 | 18-26 |
bathroom | 24-26 | 18-26 |
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It is worth considering that the difference in heat between rooms in an apartment should not exceed 4 °C.
SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises”
In corner apartments
Before the amendments to the legislation, GOST set the temperature for the corner version of the apartment to be 2 degrees higher, but after changes to RF PP No. 354 (the latest edition dates back to May 2020), the regime is set on a general basis.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”
Exterior walls
SNiP 02/23/2003 suggests that the difference in t between the external surface and the internal conditions of the rooms cannot be more than 4 °C.
Example: The room is 18 °C, which means the external wall cannot have a temperature below 14 °C, as I consider this a violation.
Such data should be monitored by the management company, which, if necessary, is obliged to insulate the walls to restore the required standards
SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”
SNiP establishes a floor temperature of at least 18 °C. Moreover, the heated floor has a temperature of 26 °C if people are in the room constantly.
Important! In children's institutions, the optimal temperature is 24 °C.