Is it possible to do temporary registration or registration if there is a debt for an apartment?
Home / Housing disputes / Extract from an apartment with debts Debts to utilities –
Counterclaim for major repairs in court
Sample application for major home repairs
Sample applications for submission to the fund Subscription department 8-800-450-02-50 Request a call Personal account People's
What is a disputed land plot Land, like other real estate, can be owned immediately
Man doing calculations on a calculator
In what cases are utility bills paid at full rates?
What it is? Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but
Do I need my spouse's consent for the military mortgage program?
Home » Division of property » Division of an apartment under a military mortgage during divorce 8 Any
It's quicker to ask a lawyer. It's free! Free legal consultation Moscow and Moscow region: +7 499
- This is a communal apartment, this is a communal country!
Living in a communal apartment: how not to pay for your neighbor
Home / Alimony / Is it possible to smoke in a communal apartment according to the new law 2020
How to register in a communal apartment?
About whether it is possible to register in a hostel, at a dacha or in SNT, as well as
Individual housing construction involves the construction of capital buildings on land and their use exclusively for the residence of members
Where the Number of the Certificate of State Registration of Rights is Correctly Indicated
Hello, in this article we will try to answer the question “Find out the registration certificate number
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