Liquidation of a garage-building cooperative

In modern conditions, a car is no longer that luxury item that was available only to a select few, but a completely affordable transport. In particular, taking into account the fact that most people, when buying a car, prefer not new products from car dealerships, but those that were released not so long ago or used cars. Today, most drivers of their own vehicles no longer treat their purchases with care and reverence. So there is no need to talk about the timely acquisition of garages.

All of the above is nothing other than proof that garage cooperatives with great frequency lose their relevance, and therefore go bankrupt and then cease to exist completely. If community members at a meeting of participants made a generalized and completely voluntary decision to liquidate the existing cooperative, then they will have to work, one way or another, with an eye on the current legislation.

Closure due to insolvency

Closing a garage cooperative is a legal process that consists of several stages. And it is very important for all prospective participants to remember that the implementation of each of these stages should be given close attention.

In the event that any of the stages (stages) is missed or carried out not according to the rules, in violation of legal norms, and so on, then the process will have to start completely over again. And this, in turn, ends with not the most pleasant consequences - the loss of not only time, but also personal finances.

How does the closure of a garage cooperative proceed?

The cooperative liquidation scheme updated in 2019 includes the following stages:

  1. Notification to the registration authority that the process has begun.
  2. At the general meeting of participants, the composition of the liquidation commission or the liquidators themselves, who will be responsible for all subsequent activities in the process, is discussed. The minutes of this meeting must contain information about the commission itself, as well as its right to control the affairs of the community and present the cooperative at court hearings.
  3. Next, the print organization, which is responsible for publishing information on state registration of legal entities, publishes information about the upcoming closure of the garage cooperative. The publication clearly states the deadlines, as well as the rules for accepting all claims for debts and payments. The minimum period is sixty days after the announcement.
  4. After collecting information about monetary obligations, collection of receivables, if any, is carried out. Financially interested people and enterprises are notified in writing.
  5. An interim (preliminary) balance sheet is drawn up, which lists exactly what kind of property the association has. A list of financial responsibilities and the results of consideration of creditor claims are added.
  6. The preliminary balance is officially approved at a general meeting by the members of the cooperative or the authorized body that made the decision on bankruptcy. Additionally, consent must be obtained from the audit community.
  7. Participants of the association are obliged to repay all debts on mandatory contributions, if any, within a predetermined period.
  8. If the finances that the association has are not enough to fully pay off all creditors, the existing property is put up for a specially organized auction.
  9. If the cooperative does not have enough funds (financial or property) to fully repay all existing debts, the participants are required to contribute auxiliary funds. Their amount is determined in advance by the charter.
  10. During the process of declaring insolvency and the subsequent closure of a garage cooperative, it is impossible to increase the limits of subsidiary liability and increase the amount of mandatory contribution by share.

Liquidation commission and its functions: drawing up an interim liquidation balance sheet

If we are talking about terminating the work of a garage-building cooperative, the body responsible for appointing a liquidation commission is the general meeting of members of the cooperative. This meeting must not only determine the composition of the members of the commission, but also elect its chairman, who is the main person who must monitor the performance of the commission members of their duties and carry out the main stages of terminating the work of the garage-building cooperative.

One of the main actions that the liquidation commission must take is drawing up a liquidation balance sheet. This document is a summary of information about the presence of assets on the organization’s balance sheet that can be used to pay off various types of debts that it may have at the time of termination of its activities. For example, during a general meeting of members of a garage-construction cooperative that decided to stop its work, it may become clear that the organization has an outstanding debt for utilities, cleaning the territory, or other expense items. Thus, cash and other tangible assets reflected in the liquidation balance sheet of the cooperative will be used to pay off existing outstanding debt obligations.

In addition, members of the liquidation commission headed by the chairman should keep in mind that the procedure for drawing up the liquidation balance sheet will consist of two stages. The first of them is the formation of the so-called interim liquidation balance sheet. The specified document will reflect the volume and condition of the enterprise’s assets as of the date of the decision to stop its work. In fact, it represents information recording the state of affairs in the cooperative at the time of the start of the liquidation procedure.

After the interim balance sheet has been drawn up, members of the liquidation commission should find out what outstanding debt obligations the company has. This must be done in order to repay them on time, since this action is a prerequisite for completing the procedure for terminating the operation of the cooperative. Having determined the volume and order of payments to be repaid, members of the commission, under the leadership of the chairman, should carry out all necessary settlements with service providers, contractors and other counterparties.

Legal documentation of a garage cooperative

Currently, a legal document has not yet been approved in the Russian Federation that could control the most important nuances of the working activities of a garage cooperative. Additionally, this also applies to issues of bankruptcy of this organization.

In legal practice, which has developed over the years, when making claims for the closure of an association, the provisions clearly spelled out in Federal Law No. 215 “On Housing Cooperatives” are taken into account.

The reason can be attributed to the general opinion of many legal professionals who are convinced that such associations, although different from each other, have the same roots. For example:

  • They are based on the working activity of the united people.
  • They open and operate entirely on a voluntary basis.
  • And their property is divided between the participants into special shares - shares. These are temporary assets that are necessary for the business and belong to the members of the cooperative.

Do not forget that the format for liquidating a cooperative is specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Particular importance in this matter is attached to Art. 61. It is there that it is stated that a cooperative (including a garage cooperative) has the right to terminate its work activities, based on any of the following reasons:

  1. A generally accepted and completely voluntary decision of the participants in a general council.
  2. A solution that was proposed after a case was considered in court.

Regardless of the reason, in any of these cases the work activity of the garage association is terminated. All its rights and obligations cannot be transferred to any other person - legal or natural.

Based on the domestic Civil Code, such closure is the legal essence of the process of declaring insolvency and completing work.

How relations in cooperatives are regulated

Garage cooperative
Since 2014, in order to legitimize the decision of the GSK meeting, at least 50% of the members must be present at it

The main instrument for regulating relations between members of the State Committee is the general meeting. Its functions:

  • Development and adoption of the charter of the garage cooperative;
  • Appointment and re-election of a chairman who is required to deal with organizational issues;
  • Election of members of the GSK board (if necessary);
  • Formation of an audit group;
  • Solving current issues;
  • Acceptance of new members, expulsion of old members.

Since 2014, changes have been made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Chapter 9.1 “Decision of meetings” has appeared, which determines what should be the number of participants in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation who will be able to make any decisions during their meeting. This is at least 50% of the total number of cooperators. During voting, the result is the decision that receives the majority of votes.

Reference. An audit group should be created when members of the cooperative have suspicions that the chairman or members of the board have committed unlawful acts. This applies to financial management, common property, etc.

Who should decide to liquidate a garage cooperative?

Despite the fact that there is no specific law that would control the stages of bankruptcy of a garage cooperative, this process is still endowed with some unique features. They determine the process of activity of the association, and also explain certain provisions of Article 62 of the Civil Code of Russia.

It mentions that in the event of a completely voluntary decision on bankruptcy and closure of a company, those who are authorized to make such a decision are, first of all, the direct founders of the legal entity. In the case of a garage cooperative, this right will rest with all members of the association.

In other words, for the decision to close to be completely legal, members of the garage association are required to organize a general meeting. All participants without exception are required to attend.

This decision-making option is required in order to ensure the involvement of all members of the cooperative in making such serious decisions. This option, among other things, can serve as a protective measure for the legitimate interests of each of the participants.

In other details, the liquidation of a garage cooperative is very similar to the declaration of insolvency of other legal entities. One of the related tasks of the authorized body (that is, members of the association) is the appointment of a special commission.

It is she who, on the basis of the domestic Civil Code, is appointed as the main actor who manages all the required activities related to the completion of the work activity of this legal entity.

If the slightest signs of insolvency appear, the management of the debtor cooperative is obliged to:

  • Send a request to the audit union with a request to conduct an economic audit.
  • Create and present at the general meeting a strategy aimed at preventing insolvency.

All members of the cooperative must be familiarized with the results of the audit at the general meeting. Based on these results, it is necessary to draw up a strategy that would help protect the interests of all members of the association.

Forced exclusion from a garage cooperative

It is possible to exclude a participant of the Civil Code from his participation in it in the following cases:

  1. failure to comply with the rules provided for by the charter of this association (fire safety, maintenance of the garage, making all necessary payments), despite notification in writing;

  2. providing false data to the accounting department , or unreliable data about the appearance, appearance of property, when the charter of the association of members of the cooperative provides for such requests;
  3. causing harm to the cooperative by failure to fulfill proper obligations , which were provided for by the charter of the Civil Code or an exception in the event of a claim being presented to the cooperative due to failure of a participant in the association to comply with its obligations;
  4. a corresponding request on the basis of the Federal Law and the charter of the Civil Code regarding the lack of the right to membership in the cooperative, or the loss of participation in it.

What are the responsibilities of the chairman of the GSK

The chairman of the garage cooperative undertakes:

  1. Manage the regular activities of the society honestly.
  2. Solve money issues.
  3. On behalf of the organization, interact with all other legal entities.
  4. Organize meetings of participants if necessary.
  5. Maintain labor discipline.
  6. Protect the organization's property and use it exclusively for its intended purpose.
  7. Maintain accounting and tax records in the association.
  8. Upon receipt of a request, provide relevant information to all members of the cooperative, including reporting documentation.

Creation of the GSK liquidation commission

The participants of the organization are responsible not only for the decision on its bankruptcy, but also for the creation of a liquidation commission. During the general meeting, not only the decision on bankruptcy is made and the composition of the liquidation commission is determined. Among other things, its chairman is appointed. He is the main person who will monitor the performance of the duties of the commission members.

One of the main tasks to be performed by this commission is drawing up a liquidation balance sheet. Essentially, this is a summary amount of information that can indicate the availability of available resources on the balance sheet. That is, those that can be used to pay off debts, if any.

For example, at the general council it was unanimously decided to close the cooperative. At the same time, information may appear that this organization has some debts. For utilities and so on. This means that all funds that are recorded in the liquidation balance sheet will be spent on paying off existing debts.

Participants of the association who were officially included in the liquidation commission, along with the chairman, must remember that the process of drawing up the above-mentioned balance sheet occurs in two stages:

  • At the first stage, a preliminary balance is formed, the information of which will indicate the insolvency of GSK. This document will contain the volume and state of resources at the time of the decision to close the cooperative. In other words, the document will reflect all the information about the “state of the treasury” at the time the organization is declared insolvent.
  • Next, the commission is obliged to determine what debts GSK has. This is required to pay off all debts, since fulfilling creditor claims is one of the main requirements. And if it is not fulfilled, then the cooperative will not be officially closed.

If the bankruptcy process does begin, it is very important to calculate the amount of debts and establish the order of their payments. Responsibility for settlements of debt obligations lies directly with the commission and its chairman.

Drawing up the final version of the liquidation balance sheet of GSK

When, in the end, all the required settlements with creditors to whom the cooperative had unpaid debts have officially ended, the composition of the liquidation commission needs to move on to the next stage of its work - this is the preparation of the final version of the liquidation balance sheet.

It is important to mention that the final version of the document will differ from the original (preliminary) one. And first of all, due to the fact that it will reflect all payments made to suppliers of various services, contractors and other parties with whom the bankrupt organization previously cooperated.

Thus, we can say that the completed form of the liquidation balance sheet includes data on those finances and material property that still remains in the accounts of the bankrupt GSK after it has honestly paid off all existing debts.

If, after completing settlements with creditors, there is still any money or tangible property on the balance sheet of a garage association, in respect of which a bankruptcy case is still open, all this is legally distributed to a certain established extent among the participants of the garage cooperative.

When making this distribution, it is very important to remember that, within the framework of established practice in Russia, the size of shares that will be awarded to participants is formed in absolute proportion to their shares in the cooperative capital. This means that the volumes of material and financial property that will be received by members of the organization after completing their work activities are uneven.

What documents will be needed?

The charter of the cooperative must contain all the necessary information about the procedure for leaving it. The documentation set should also be mentioned.

The chairman of the GSK should have all the necessary information about you as a member of the cooperative and the contributions paid. Therefore, to exit it you will need:

  • submit a notice of resignation;
  • confirm your identity with a passport;
  • hand in your membership book.

Additionally, you can confirm ownership of the garage with the appropriate document.

Creation and charter of a garage cooperative

In order to understand in more detail the issue of bankruptcy of such a management form as a garage cooperative (usually a garage-construction cooperative), it is important to understand what this organization is and what its features are.

First of all, it is worth noting that this community is required to have its own charter. A sample of this regulatory paper is freely available. What kind of charter is this, and what information should it include?

First of all, all general information about this institution is entered there - its official name, legal address of location. In addition, it is known that the GSK (garage and construction cooperative) is an official legal entity that has a balance sheet, a bank account, has its own seal, letterhead and other details of the same kind.

Next, it is worth mentioning all the issues that affect the financial position of this institution. For example, the sources of funds with which the company was created are specified.

You can also provide information that certain funds will be built on the basis of this institution. If there are any in the plans, a brief description of them must be provided.

Additionally, the charter must describe the amount of entrance fees to the GSK, the procedure and timing of their transfer, as well as the level of responsibility for late payment or non-payment of the mandatory contribution.

Charter of the garage-construction cooperative

The Company takes all reasonable measures to protect the received personal data of the Subject from destruction, distortion or disclosure.

The liquidation commission (liquidator) takes measures to identify creditors and collect receivables, and also notifies creditors in writing of the liquidation of the cooperative.

If we are talking about terminating the work of a garage-building cooperative, the body responsible for appointing a liquidation commission is the general meeting of members of the cooperative.

How can a participant leave the cooperative?

The bankruptcy of the organization can perhaps be called the main reason why a GSK participant may want to sever these business relationships and leave the cooperative. Of course, the reasons may be different, but in any case the question always arises of how to do everything right. It is worth considering this topic in more detail, because there are plenty of pitfalls here.

What could be the goals and reasons for leaving?

We have already said that insolvency is the main reason for leaving the association. But, among other things, it could be:

  • Poor relations between the participant and management, the presence of numerous conflicts.
  • Loss of confidence in the chairman.
  • Loss of a car for any reason and, as a result, simply loss of the need to maintain a garage box.

Meanwhile, it is also possible that a participant wants to sever relations with the cooperative but, at the same time, does not want to lose the garage box from his property.

Voluntary withdrawal from GSK

The first thing to note is that when leaving a garage cooperative on a voluntary basis, you should take a lot of precautions. To begin with, the management, often, having learned about the participant’s intention to “break up”, begins to threaten with the demolition of the car pit.

At the same time, even if such serious measures are not taken by the head of the company, and in principle there are no threats, you need to leave the GSK with great caution so as not to lose your legal property.

It is important to mention that cooperative leaders often act very cunningly. The land plots on which the boxes are located are not the private property of garage owners. They are leased, which, in most cases, allows managers to keep the situation under control.

If you want to leave this company voluntarily, first of all, a reasonable step would be to study as carefully as possible the main regulatory document in accordance with which all procedures in the organization must be carried out. This is a local bylaw.

The stage of paying the membership fee is also an important point. To keep all monetary costs to a minimum, before leaving the cooperative, you must honestly pay all contributions. Then it is imperative to register the garage premises as private property and only then, when you have all the necessary documents in hand, talk to management about leaving and take some serious action.

To leave a garage association voluntarily, you must:

  1. Submit an application for voluntary withdrawal from the cooperative. Sample applications can be found freely available on the relevant websites.
  2. It is mandatory to take part in the general meeting of participants, where the issue of ending membership should be considered. It is mandatory to receive the original or a certified copy of the minutes of the meeting.
  3. Go to the accountant of the garage association and get a statement about the absence of debts. If there are debts, they must be paid off.
  4. Hand in your membership book.
  5. Contact local authorities to formalize the demarcation of the land plot and take it into personal ownership. If there is such a need.

After completing all the formalities and receiving all the required documents, the participant must enter into his own agreement with the community’s maintenance staff, cleaners, security guards, etc.

Forced exclusion from a garage cooperative

On the other hand, the garage cooperative itself has the right to deprive a participant of membership, and even sue him, if necessary. In this case, the participant will have to leave the cooperative not of his own free will (even if there is one), but officially by decision of the management of the cooperative.

The reasons may vary. For example, this is complete indifference to the state of society, ignoring meetings at which the presence of each member of the cooperative is required as a standard. But most often, of course, the reason for exclusion lies in large arrears in membership fees.

The chapter must inform the owner of the garage box of the intention to revoke his membership privileges, and then personally deliver a written notice against signature. Or send by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

At the next meeting, at the request of the cooperative, the issue of expelling the defaulter from the GSK is put on the agenda. The debtor under threat of expulsion must also attend this meeting. Thus, the question of membership is decided by universal voting, the results of which are necessarily recorded in the protocol.

If a decision is made to exclude a participant, he is provided with an extract from the protocol or a certified copy. Expulsion from the organization does not mean writing off debts - the former participant will have to pay off all outstanding payments. And it would be better to do it voluntarily. After all, if the chairman brings the case to court, in this case all costs of the trial, including state fees, will also have to be paid by the former participant.

Completion of GSK membership if the garage is personally owned

If the garage box is already the personal property of the owner who wants to leave the GSK, there is nothing complicated in the situation. The garage owner can terminate his membership in the community by simply transferring ownership to a third party. Simply put, boxing can be sold and even given away.

In this case, the owner needs to draw up a statement that he wants to leave the cooperative. Then send the document to the chairman of the organization. At the same time, the new owner must submit an application for entry. In essence, we can say that the owner of the box is being replaced. However, it is important to mention that even this issue must be resolved at a general meeting of participants - statements must be agreed upon.

How to correctly draft a petition to leave a cooperative

An application (petition) is in any case necessary if you plan to terminate your membership. So, how to draw up a document correctly?

First of all, the application must be addressed directly to the chairman of the cooperative or the Board. The recipient's name is indicated in the “header” of the document - in the upper right corner of the sheet. Next, it must be indicated who exactly the application is coming from - the applicant’s full name, address and passport, as well as contact information.

The form of compilation is free. There are no special norms or samples for the text of the application itself. You just need to write down the very essence of the petition.

Here is an example of a statement regarding the transfer of property:

“I, (full name), ask to be excluded from the list of participants in the GSK (Name) due to the fact that the property share in my possession in the form of a garage box (number such and such) has been transferred/sold (in this case, the date of execution of the agreement on purchase and sale) to a citizen (full name).”

The date of compilation and signature of the applicant are indicated below as standard.

What risks might there be if GSK goes bankrupt?

Unfortunately, threats to demolish the garage box cannot be taken lightly. And that's why.

Article 622 of the Russian Civil Code describes the information that after the end of the lease, the land plot must be returned to the tenant in its original condition. And in most cases, this condition means the complete absence of any buildings on the site. Therefore, there is no need to stir up conflicts with the leadership of the association.

But the risks may lie in more than just that.

There is also a risk of pressure from management and non-payment of share contributions for all sorts of reasons. The share, of course, cannot fail to be paid, but the deadlines will most likely be seriously delayed.

All documents related to this organization, especially those related to payments, must be kept in a separate folder or file. Any of these documents may be required at any time. Even the one that at first glance was completely unimportant.

Why you should think twice about leaving GSK

It's really worth thinking twice before you begin the process of terminating your co-op membership.

Yes, no one wants to pay for services to maintain this society, but the car owner cannot do without them. This is not only the absence of garbage and the regular availability of water and electricity, but also the protection of the territory and, accordingly, the complete absence of headaches regarding the safety of the car. But all this costs money.

And if you leave the cooperative, you will have to draw up all contracts for the provision of utility and security services and deal with other nuances yourself. And no one can guarantee that in this case the prices for these services will be significantly lower.

Conclusions about care

Leaving a co-op is a really important step. Therefore, before undertaking any serious activity in this regard, all the advantages and disadvantages should be seriously weighed.

It is far from a fact that drawing up all the documents yourself will cost less, and the unfolding of a conflict with the board of the company may even result in the loss of boxing.

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read this explanation

Question: On the right of a citizen to leave a garage-building cooperative, as well as on the allocation of a land plot for a garage and registration of rights to it.


LETTER dated December 15, 2010 N D23-5157

The Real Estate Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in addition to the previously sent letter on the issue of registration of rights to a land plot, reports within its competence. Regarding the issue of leaving the members of the garage-construction cooperative, we inform you as follows. The founding document of a garage-building cooperative is the charter approved by the general meeting of the founders of the cooperative. From the information contained in the appeal, it follows that a member of the cooperative has the right to voluntarily, upon his written application, leave the cooperative; this is provided for by the charter of the cooperative. It follows from this that, at the request of a citizen, he can be expelled from the membership of the cooperative. After leaving the garage-building cooperative, citizens do not pay membership fees. Regarding the issue of land allocation, we inform you as follows. Land plots are formed during the division, merger, redistribution of land plots or allocation from land plots, as well as from lands in state or municipal ownership (clause 1 of Article 11.2 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation). According to paragraph 1 of Art. 11.3 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the formation of land plots from land plots in state or municipal ownership is carried out on the basis of decisions of executive bodies of state power or local government bodies authorized to dispose of land plots. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 11.2 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the formation of land plots is permitted with the written consent of land users, landowners, tenants, mortgagees of land plots, from which land plots are formed during division, merger, redistribution or allocation. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 36 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities who own, gratuitously use, have economic management or operational management of buildings, structures, structures located on land plots in state or municipal ownership, acquire rights to these land plots in accordance with the specified article. To acquire rights to a land plot, citizens or legal entities apply to the executive body of state power or local government with an application to acquire rights to a land plot. If the land plot required to service the property (garage) has not been formed, then the local government body, based on the application, within a month from the date of receipt of the application, approves and issues a layout diagram of the land plot on the cadastral plan or cadastral map of the relevant territory. The person who has applied for the provision of a land plot ensures, at his own expense, the implementation of cadastral works in relation to this land plot and applies for the implementation of state cadastral registration of this land plot in the manner established by Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 221-FZ " On the state real estate cadastre" (clause 7, article 36 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation). According to paragraph 1 of Art. 35 of the Cadastre Law, cadastral work is carried out by a cadastral engineer on the basis of a contract for the performance of cadastral work concluded in accordance with the requirements of civil legislation and this Federal Law. In accordance with Art. 11 of Federal Law No. 93-FZ of June 30, 2006, constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish maximum maximum prices (tariffs, rates, rates, etc.) for carrying out such work in relation to land plots, including those intended for individual garage construction.

Deputy Director of the Real Estate Department M.V. BOCHAROV 12/15/2010

What could be the reasons for liquidating a cooperative?

Officially, the liquidation of GSK is carried out on the basis of the following conditions:

  1. All members of the cooperative expressed a desire to terminate their membership.
  2. It is planned to demolish existing buildings and erect new ones.
  3. The sale of the organization is planned.
  4. The society presented amounts of expenses that members were unable to pay.
  5. The technical conditions of the buildings no longer meet the established requirements.

Often, closing an organization is completely voluntary. And getting started with the process usually doesn't require much explanation. As usual, all decisions are made directly by the participants at general meetings of the cooperative.

On the other hand, liquidation may be forced. This is due to high legal requirements. For example, if the charter document is drawn up with errors, closure can be carried out even by decision of the tax authorities. In this case, the liquidation will be formalized on the basis of a court order.

Reasons for leaving a housing cooperative

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 130, there are 5 options for leaving the cooperative:

  • Voluntary withdrawal of a housing cooperative member. To do this, you need to draw up an application requesting withdrawal from the association of shareholders. The document is considered in accordance with the clause of the Charter on exclusion from the ranks of the cooperative.
  • Expulsion of a member of the cooperative for any reason. The decision is made at the general meeting. Reasons for expulsion may include violations of membership obligations without good reason.

For example, systematic failure to make share contributions. The decision to expel is usually made pre-trial. In some cases, courts are involved to resolve the conflict.

  • The death of a citizen belonging to a cooperative. In this case, the living relative has the right to join the association of shareholders, as well as to a share of the contributed share.
  • Liquidation of housing cooperatives. Usually occurs during bankruptcy. Settlements with shareholders are made from funds on the organization’s balance sheet, as well as the proceeds from the auction of the founder’s property.
  • Abolition of a legal entity that is part of the housing cooperative. The amount contributed through participation in the association is transferred to the accounts of persons who have rights to the property of this legal entity.

How to deprive the right to own a garage

Despite the fact that a cooperative society is not created for commercial purposes, it has the right to conduct its own commercial activities.

For example, this could be the transfer of premises into leased ownership. The Company undertakes to maintain appropriate accounting records. The assistance of professional lawyers in the process of liquidating a cooperative is often not needed.

Legal entities of this type do not have a large number of documents, so they are not subject to tax and other audits. Plus, even taking into account the conduct of commercial activities, the number of contracts signed is insignificant. And in a sense, this is what protects the organization from the emergence of a variety of problems.

It is quite possible to handle all the necessary activities on your own, and legal services will only entail unnecessary expenses. For example, in the case of voluntary liquidation due to bankruptcy, only the state fee will need to be paid.

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