Apartment and MKD
It happens in life that people express a desire to give their property to another person, but
24.8.2016 20477 What you need to ask previous homeowners to insure against unpleasant surprises
Living space standards: what you need to know Let's immediately understand the concepts. Living space -
Features of a personal account for paying utility bills The form has been changed more than once. Information provided in
What is this Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but
What is a gift deed? Contents The gift agreement (hereinafter referred to as the DD) is a bilateral transaction,
Cancellation of an apartment donation agreement is the donor’s opportunity to return the donated property if certain
Regulation of the issue at the legislative level Providing housing for this category of citizens is regulated by: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
Applying for a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank Applying for a mortgage in Sberbank is very pleasant, because
What needs to be done before executing a gift deed? If the donor has already decided for sure that he