Who should repair interpanel seams in a house?

Residents usually have many disputes with the management company, which can be related to a wide variety of issues. This concerns at whose expense all repair work should be carried out, within what time frame and how to control all this. We will consider only the most relevant of them, and our employees will give a detailed answer on what to do in the current situation.

Question No. 1. How to convince the management company to repair interpanel joints?

Even in the case of a collective appeal by the residents of the building to the management company, consideration of the application takes a lot of time. In this case, the joints are inspected and certain measurements are taken, after which a verdict is made. Most often, residents’ applications are only partially approved, and joint repairs occur in only a few apartments. How to force the management company to complete all the work?

Repair of interpanel joints is carried out during the ongoing renovation of the house. This task falls on the shoulders of the management company; accordingly, the company must pay for this service in full. In case of depressurization of a seam, its repair must be carried out as soon as possible. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Criminal Code in writing.

RECOMMENDATION 7. We indicate the requirements.

Don't give up on being serious on paper. You must write your appeal in such a way that employees understand that you are the person who can ask for help from higher supervisory authorities. However, you decided to hold off on this for now. Avoid “attacks” and outright threats.

And don't forget to indicate that you are expecting a response and results.

Follow these recommendations and you will achieve success. You can learn about the rules for submitting and completing an application, as well as monitoring its implementation, from our other article.

Second sample application for repair of interpanel seams:

The second sample can be downloaded in the following formats:

, .pdf , .doc


Repair of interpanel seams is part of the list of works included in the payment for current home repairs.
You can see the list of works included in the housing maintenance fee in more detail in the document: doc Frequently asked questions about sealing seams: / The management company does not fulfill its obligations, where can I turn? / Practice of filing an application to the Court for sealing seams / Sample application to the Management Company for repair of interpanel seams / Secrets of correctly writing an application for interpanel seams in the Criminal Code / Who should repair a balcony in a privatized apartment? / List of basic works for routine repairs and operation of buildings and structures / Seams in a panel house are leaking, sample application / How to force the management company to seal interpanel seams? / Who should repair the interpanel seams in the house? / Leaking seams in a panel house sample application / Time frame for major repairs of interpanel seams If you have not found the answer to a question, you can ask it by E-mail: ✉ Or by phone. ☎

Question No. 7. How to submit a request for joint repair?

It is submitted to the Criminal Code in writing. The form of writing is arbitrary. Residents must describe the problem, after which the management company is obliged to consider such a statement. A special commission is created that measures the necessary indicators in problem areas of the wall, after which the apartment can be put on a queue for repairs.

Application for sealing interpanel seams

If there is no proper maintenance of residential buildings by management offices, leaking seams or leakage of street air into the apartment, you should contact the building management. To prevent your application from being ignored, it should be submitted in writing. To confirm the application, the application should be completed in 2 copies and require a mark indicating acceptance of the application to be placed on the resident’s copy.

Housing office specialists can respond to the application by checking the readings of interpanel joints with special measuring equipment. Based on the test results, the parameters may be within acceptable standards. In this case, it is necessary to require a visual inspection of the house from the outside, since the covering of the joints may be destroyed.

If utility companies refuse to take measures to identify and eliminate the fault, you must contact the State Housing Inspectorate and write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Repair of interpanel joints is classified as routine home repairs, the fee for which is included in monthly payment receipts.

There are sample applications for sealing interpanel seams. On the Internet you can easily find a sample application to the management office for the repair of interpanel seams.

The application to the Housing Office must contain the following items:

  • The full name, registration address of the applicant, telephone number, and email if available are indicated at the top right;
  • below in ;
  • the title describes the content of the problem with its exact location;
  • the appeal contains a request to check and, if necessary, seal the joints and prepare a resolution to identify and punish the perpetrators;
  • date and signature.

When submitting an application, you must require the entry number, date and signature of the recipient. When drawing up an application, it is also worth indicating the layout of the apartment, accurately describing the problems and the time of their occurrence. After you write your application, you need to make sure that it answers the following questions:

  • the location of the room and the exact location of the problem;
  • features of the manifestation of the problem, and under what conditions;
  • time and frequency of occurrence of the problem;
  • extreme case of manifestation of the problem and the period for its continuation;
  • damage caused by the problem;
  • requirements for the management company.

The management organization must respond to the application within 30 calendar days, and they are given 45 days to eliminate shortcomings. If the utility companies refuse and there is no action on the part of the State Housing Inspectorate, it is necessary to contact the prosecutor’s office and the court.

Question No. 8. The interpanel seams of the house simply crumbled, and the wall of the house freezes in winter.

The management company refused to repair them in the winter, postponing this process to the summer. Is it possible to do this?

Each tenant can defend their rights and demand repair of joints if problems are discovered with their sealing. It is worth understanding that all the work can be done in winter, but it will be of little use. At low temperatures, materials do not harden, but freeze, and the work of industrial climbers becomes significantly more difficult.

There are frost-resistant foam and sealant, but their price tag is much higher. Surely the management company will simply refuse to purchase them, and repairs will be carried out only in the summer.

How to write an application for repair of interpanel seams

In accordance with clause of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock (approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170), panel joints must meet three requirements: water protection due to sealing mastics in compliance with the technology of their application; air protection due to sealing gaskets made of poroizol, gernite, vilaterm, tow, resin rope or other materials with a mandatory compression of at least 30-50%; due to the installation of insulating packages. Butt joints that have leaks must be sealed from the outside with effective sealing materials by specialists as soon as possible. The rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock, as determined by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170, are mandatory for execution by management organizations. In accordance with Part 1 of Art.

How should I submit an application for sealing interpanel seams?

Answer: Fulfillment of residents' requests is often delayed for a long time. At the same time, it is important to prove that the seams really need to be sealed, for which it is necessary to carry out an inspection and measure temperature indicators. Often management companies have standard excuses that all their employees are busy, and now much more important operations are being carried out or there is simply no money.

Application to the homeowners association for sealing seams (sample)

Writing an appeal in the form of an application to the housing inspection or consumer supervision structure requires a thirty-day period for making a decision on it, and a forty-five-day period for the operators to bring the facade to proper condition. The more proactive you are in filing complaints from each individual resident, the sooner repair work will begin. In the event of a malfunction of drainpipes, we have already written that a violation of water drainage causes walls to get wet and seams to break, damage to the facade, and the appearance of fungus.

That is why housing and communal services workers must immediately take measures to eliminate breakdowns of drainage systems. This is also stated in the fundamental Rules for the operation of housing stock. Where should the application be submitted? Firstly: to the housing inspection, this is its direct functionality and it supervises the activities of housing and communal services. The decision made by the inspection is mandatory. Read more about sealing interpanel seams in a panel house here. If a leak or penetration of cold air from the street is detected, the resident should independently notify the maintenance office. You must contact utility services formally and in writing. The application will be needed in two copies; the resident’s written version must be marked with the date of application and receipt of the application.

An engineer from the management company will come with a commission, in the presence of which the room temperature and air humidity will be measured. An external visual inspection of the interpanel seams will also be required. If the application is refused, send it by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

If after this no action is taken, contact the State Housing Inspectorate. All major repairs can only be carried out in agreement with the payers: apartment owners, based on the decision of their general meeting. A situation is possible in which the owners decide that the facade of the house requires repairs, but the housing office (ZhEK) does not want and does not plan to do this before the deadline for major repairs. Where should you go with a statement in such a situation? It will be most effective, if contradictions arise regarding repairs, to send an appeal from residents to the State Housing Inspectorate. Since the appearance of the building must comply with the architectural plan, the inspectorate will accept the application.

The application is completed in any form.

It is important to correctly indicate the position in whose name such a document is being drawn up. This information can be obtained from the secretary of the Criminal Code. In the application you must indicate your full name, contact number and your address without abbreviations. If there are errors in drafting, such a document may not be considered further at all.

The main part of the application must clearly describe the problem. Its consideration may take more than one month. After this, an inspection is carried out and the necessary measurements are taken. If any deviations from the norms are detected, the apartment will be put on a waiting list for seam sealing. Clear rules for repairing joints are specified in regulatory documents. It is best to entrust this process to real professionals. Specialists will be able to cope with any task, spending a minimum of time. We work in Moscow and the region.

Example of an application for sealing interpanel seams:

Answers to frequently asked questions about sealing interpanel seams.

Question: Who should repair interpanel seams? We have an HOA, the chairman says that by decision of the meeting, sealing the interpanel seams rests entirely with the homeowners. This service is not included in the rent.

The rent includes the item “maintenance and repairs of housing”, which you pay monthly. According to existing regulations, sealing interpanel seams (insulation and sealing of interpanel seams, and not just applying sealant) refers to the current repair of a house and must be carried out as soon as possible at the request of the resident.

TOP Question: In our house the seams are constantly leaking and the walls are freezing.
After much torment, almost everyone at the entrance wrote a statement to the DEZ demanding that the interpanel seams be repaired. After some time, DEZ workers came with a thermal imager and examined the interpanel seams. As a result, it turned out that there were emergency seams in 5 apartments. The rest are fine. I specifically consulted with a company that sells thermal imagers, it turns out they have a very large error and a temperature difference of 25 C is required, i.e. You can really only examine it in the cold. In reality, we can see everything in our apartments: when it rains heavily, it pours like a stream from the corners of the ceiling, the DEZ workers don’t want to hear anything, citing the thermal imager readings, which are all within the limits of GOST. The seams on the outside are destroyed, but no one is looking at it. Please advise how long the period of current repairs and sealing of interpanel seams should be? What legislative acts and GOSTs can be referred to in order to influence DEZ? Answer:

Sealing the interpanel seams of a panel house relates to routine repairs and must be carried out as soon as possible. It is paid under the heading “maintenance and repair of housing”, for which you pay the management company monthly.

Here are some regulations:

I. “Rules and standards for the technical operation of the housing stock” (approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170): “…..2.6.2. When preparing the housing stock for use in winter, it is necessary to: - eliminate faults: walls, facades, ..... ..... The housing maintenance organization must ensure: - the specified temperature and humidity conditions inside the building; — elimination of damage to walls AS IT IS DETECTED, preventing its further development; — heat protection, moisture protection of external walls. ….. The joints of the panels must meet three requirements: - water protection due to sealing mastics in compliance with the technology of their application; — air protection due to sealing gaskets made of poroizol, gernite, vilatherm, tow, resin rope or other materials with a mandatory compression of at least 30 - 50%; — thermal protection due to the installation of insulating packages. In closed type joints, waterproofing is achieved with a sealant; air protection - sealing materials with mandatory compression of 30 - 50%; thermal insulation - with heat packs or “vuts”, the width of which must be at least 300 mm. Butt joints that have leaks MUST BE SEALED on the outside with effective sealing materials (elastic gaskets and mastics) by specialists ASAP (IN SMALL VOLUMES during the period of preparing houses for winter). ….. Local destruction ..... sealing seals of joints of prefabricated buildings must be eliminated AS IDENTIFIED, preventing their further development ..... Appendix No. 7 LIST OF WORKS RELATED TO CURRENT REPAIRS ..... 2. Walls and facades SEALING JOINTS, sealing and restoration of architectural elements ; changing sections of wooden wall cladding, repairing and painting facades. II. MDK 2-04.2004 “Methodological manual for the maintenance and repair of housing stock” (approved by order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation in 2004): “….. 2.2. Current repairs of the common property of a residential building are repairs carried out in a planned manner with the aim of restoring the serviceability or performance of a residential building, partially restoring its resource with the replacement or restoration of its components of a limited range established by regulatory and technical documentation. The list of works included in the fee for housing repairs (current repairs) is given in Appendix 2 to this Manual. Appendix 2 LIST OF WORK INCLUDED IN THE FEE FOR HOUSING REPAIRS (current repairs) .....2. Walls and facades: ..... - SEALING JOINTS of elements of prefabricated buildings, sealing potholes and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels;" III. “Methodological recommendations on the financial justification of tariffs for the maintenance and repair of housing stock” (approved by Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2000 N 303): “….. 2.2. Determination of standard costs for repairs of structural elements of residential buildings..... 2.2.1. This cost item should reflect the standard costs of carrying out a set of works to maintain in good condition the elements of a residential building, the specified parameters and operating modes of its structures and technical devices: technical inspection, preparation of the housing stock for seasonal operation, MAINTENANCE AND CURRENT REPAIR of structural elements of buildings ( foundations and basements, WALLS,…..). IV. “Methodological recommendations for organizing and carrying out routine repairs of the housing stock of all forms of ownership (order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1999 N 170): “….. 2.1. The basis for determining the need for current repairs of the housing stock, establishing or clarifying its volumes are the results of scheduled general technical inspections of residential buildings. 2.1.1. Scheduled general inspections of buildings are carried out twice a year (spring and autumn) within the time limits established by the housing (housing and communal services) management body, depending on local natural and climatic conditions Appendix 4 LIST OF WORK FOR ROUTINE REPAIR OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 2. Walls and facades .... ..... 2.2. SEALING JOINTS of elements of prefabricated buildings, sealing potholes and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels.” As far as is known, specific expiration dates for interpanel seams have not been established in the technical documentation. As stated above – “….. Local destruction….. of sealing joints of prefabricated buildings must be eliminated AS DETECTED, preventing their further development…..”

As a result, in order to avoid red tape and do the work really well, we advise you to carry out insulation and sealing of seams by professional organizations, and then submit an invoice for payment to the management company. *Why you need to order panel seam sealing from a third-party company, and not from the management company.

— There are no specialists in the management company, even if the management engineer knows a certain climber, he will do a poor job of sealing the seams.
it is very hard work, even though it seems simple. — The management company will never insulate the seams, or seal them correctly (for example, clean the edge of the seam), they will simply apply old sealant to it and report to you. *Why you need to order seam sealing from our company.
— Our specialists have been sealing seams for 10–15 years. - Only we actually insulate the seams, foam the intra-seam space and lay vilatherm. All the rest do not use foam or use it in small quantities, since unadulterated Macroflex foam costs from 350 rubles. per balloon. Our price for sealing seams in private apartments is 550 rubles per linear meter, and this price is enough for materials: sealant, foam, vilatherm and work: insulation and sealing. Foam is almost never used in sealing industrial buildings, because... entire buildings are sealed and there are no cold bridges left. If you seal the interpanel seams of one apartment, you need to fill the entire space between the panels along the entire thickness in order to create a “thermal cushion”, i.e. isolate the flow of cold inside the panels from the interpanel space of neighboring rooms into your apartment.

TOP Question: There are many technologies for sealing seams described on the Internet.
What technology is best to use for sealing seams in an apartment? Answer:

Of course, it is better to insulate and seal the interpanel seams “to the maximum.”
But first, it is still necessary to analyze the main problems: “Is it flowing or blowing?” Water can get into the seams during slanting rain, or flow through defects in the roof. Having eliminated the causes, we will eliminate the effect. It is advisable to seal vertical seams up to the roof, but if your apartment is significantly lower than the roof, you need to place at least 3 plugs in the vertical seam above your apartment. And be sure to repair the roof. If the seams are blown out, or there is mold in the corners (condensation on a cold wall), the seams need to be insulated. It is necessary to fill the space between the panels. Moreover, if you simply install Vilatherm insulation (tubular insulation), the problems will not go away, since the thickness of the slab is significantly greater than the Vilatherm diameter, and cold air will enter the seam through the interpanel seams of neighboring apartments. Therefore, the space between the panels must be filled with polyurethane foam. Or, at worst, foam locally in the “crosses” to create thermal plugs. TOP Question: What is more reliable, inserting vilatherm or filling the seam with foam?

In fact, you need to do both.
But it is not always possible to insert vilatherm. In some houses, the outside slabs are pressed tightly against each other and there is nowhere to slip the vilatherm. Despite this, there are large gaps inside between the panels, through which cold and moisture enter. Sometimes the interpanel seams are thoroughly plastered. In these cases, you need to drill holes every 20-30cm and completely foam the seam. After foaming, you need to seal the seams with mastic, since water will seep through the concrete, but not through the mastic. TOP Question: Workers from the management company smear the seams of our apartment every year, but to no avail.
There are still leaks. How can I forget about this misfortune? Answer:

The fact is that management companies carry out work locally, and not throughout the house.
Water can flow through the roof or along a vertical seam from the very top and trickle into each apartment from top to bottom. You need to seal the vertical seams up to the roof, or at least seal your vertical and horizontal seams and put plugs in the vertical seams of the neighbors above you. TOP Question: How to insulate an apartment from the outside?

It is necessary to insulate the seams using the “Tight seam” technology. In addition, cold can penetrate through cracks in the panels. Poor quality panels crack so that over time they look like cobwebs. The water freezes and breaks cracks. Over time, the slab crumbles. Many people ask to “smear the cobwebs” with sealant, but this will only give a short-term effect, since you cannot see all the cracks and cannot cover them. The defective slab must be plastered, puttyed, primed and painted. And for insulation, you can fill the mesh with insulation, and then plaster and paint. This will be a major insulation of the panel (Warm Facade technology).

See also: Sealing of interpanel seams. Seam sealing technologies. Repair of interpanel seams - “Tight seam”.


Sealing the seams of panel houses:

Professional sealing of interpanel seams and insulation of the interpanel space is necessary work to forever rid your home of leaks, freezing and mold. Read more.

Repair of interpanel seams:

Major repairs of interpanel seams are carried out only using the “Tight seam” technology developed by the group’s engineers. According to which SNiP was subsequently adopted on sealing the seams of large-panel buildings. Read more.

Insulation and sealing of window seams and ebbs:

In order to get rid of mold around the windows, the windows are sealed - sealing the joints and junctions of double-glazed windows and the panel, insulating the junctions of the sills and the panel. Read more.

Technology for sealing interpanel seams:

The selected technology for sealing interpanel seams, which is used to seal the external seams of large-panel buildings, is a determining factor in the result of the work performed. Read more.

Sealing of interpanel seams in panel houses of different series:

Sealing of interpanel seams in panel houses of different series is carried out using different technologies, since the designs of houses and panels are different. Read more.

Sealing loggia seams:

Sealing the seams of the loggia includes sealing the joints of the loggia and the wall panel, sealing windows and ebbs, as well as repairing the soft roof of the loggia. Read more.

Insulation and sealing of apartment seams:

Insulation and sealing of seams in apartments includes sealing of interpanel seams, sealing of loggias and balconies, sealing of windows and ebbs, and also, if necessary, insulation of seams from the inside - from the side of the apartment. Read more.

Materials for sealing seams:

Materials for sealing seams should be selected based on the technology used for sealing seams and the series of the house. Sometimes developers use different facing materials in one series of houses, so individual selection of sealant is often necessary for better adhesion to the surface. Read more.

Typical cases of problems with interpanel seams:

Despite the variety of series of panel houses, there are typical cases of problems with interpanel seams. Read more.

Errors and violations of seam sealing technology:

An unsatisfactory result is caused not only by incorrect selection of materials, but also by errors and violations of seam sealing technology. Read more.

Do-it-yourself sealing of interpanel seams:

If you are not a climber, you can seal the interpanel seams with your own hands only on the first floor. However, knowledge of the basics of seam sealing technology will help you monitor the work of the contractor. Read more.

Sealing of interpanel seams on the first and last floor:

Sealing of interpanel seams on different floors may differ in the technologies used. On the first floor, the problem with the seams is “blowing”, and on the last floor, the problem is “leaking”. Read more.

Sealing seams of monolithic belts:

Sealing of seams of monolithic belts is carried out in monolithic brick houses. Read more.

Insulation of panels:

Insulation of panels using the “warm facade” technology is carried out on cold wall panels. Wall panels become cold either due to cracks (webs) or other damage, or the panel is not thick enough. Read more.

Sealing of glazing seams, sealing of ventilated façade seams:

Sealing of glazing seams and sealing of ventilated facade seams is carried out at the joints of façade panels. Read more.

Estimate for sealing interpanel seams:

The estimate for sealing interpanel seams is made based on the list of works and materials used, in accordance with the customer’s technical specifications. Read more.

Frequency of sealing interpanel seams:

The frequency of sealing interpanel seams should be based on the service life of the materials, provided that the work technology is correctly followed. Read more.

Technical specifications for sealing seams in panel houses:

The technical specifications for sealing the seams of panel houses are given by the customer. But if you need to inspect the current condition of the seams and make the necessary technical specifications for repairing the seams, we will do this work free of charge, subject to our continued performance of the work. Read more.

Sealing of interpanel seams by climbers:

Sealing of interpanel seams by climbers is carried out on panel buildings above the 3rd floor. On 3-storey buildings, for example, shopping center buildings, you can use tour for sealing seams. Read more.

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