passport in the girl's hands
What to do if you lost your passport?
November 12, 2018 Documents Oksana Kislenkova Documents tend to deteriorate over time and even
Asphalting the territory
What applies to the local area of ​​an apartment building? The adjacent territory is the common shared property of the residents of the house.
Sample registration of place of stay
List of documents for temporary registration
What do you need to receive? What is needed for temporary registration? You must register no later than 90
Home / Housing disputes / How long does it take to register? Registration is
​​Federal program "Housing"
Description of the state program “Housing” The federal target program “Housing” is national, that is, its activities are implemented
How to get benefits or subsidies when buying a home in 2020 and is it possible to return money for an apartment to large families
How many children are given an apartment for? Is it possible to get on the waiting list if the applicant only has
picture of a balcony in disrepair
The balcony is leaking, who should repair it?
Determining the category of property Difficulties in determining responsibility arise due to the fact that, in essence, a balcony
How to register a child without the consent of the father
About the possibility Is it possible to register a child without the consent of the owner? According to the legislation, register the baby
How can a donor return a donated apartment?
Can the counterparty to the agreement relinquish the housing in favor of the donor? The person who received the
Personal account for the apartment
In the modern world it is quite difficult to imagine everyday life without such amenities as electricity, water supply,
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