Determination of payment for housing and communal services
The calculation of the amount that a citizen must pay for the resources he uses is made taking into account meter readings. These devices are installed in each apartment and are intended to determine the amount of resource consumed for a specific area.
After this, the resulting value is multiplied by the current tariffs and the amount is presented for payment by a specific user. Prices for utility system services depend on several factors.
Among them are:
- season;
- terrain;
- established fuel prices.
The provisions of Federal Law No. 261 of 2009 “On Energy Saving...” reflect the rule according to which the installation of metering devices is mandatory, regardless of what type and purpose it is assigned to.
However, in practice they often do without a meter. The reason is that it is impossible to install the device, because the reconstruction of the engineering type system is required, or the premises are in disrepair, or citizens shy away from equipping the apartment with a meter.
Please note: in this situation, standards are used to calculate the cost of the resource consumed.
Regulatory basis for calculating standards
To determine the norm of consumed utilities, several legal acts are used.
These include:
- Government Decree No. 306 of 2009 “On approval of the Rules...”;
- Government Decree No. 354 of 2011 “Rules for the provision of utility services...”.
In addition, this area is regulated by decrees issued by regional executive bodies. The introduction of social standards is implemented by each subject separately.
Important! If regional standards are not established, the federal consumption indicator is used.
The standards are calculated per person, that is, the more citizens live in a room, the lower the value of the resource consumed for each. For example, in Saratov the standards for electricity per citizen are 203 kW. If the family consists of 2 persons, then the value is reduced to 127 kW for each.
Similar rules apply for calculating water consumption. The national average is 7 cubic meters per month.
Calculation of energy consumption standards
Electricity is one of the most important resources for living. Nowadays it is hardly possible to do without it for any length of time. How can standards for the consumption of this resource be determined?
For this, two groups of quantities are taken into account:
- The utility consumption standard for electricity supply takes into account the number of registered people, the number of rooms available in the apartment, and the total area of the housing in question.
- When calculating the consumption standard for a utility service for electricity supply, it is important to take into account what takes place outside of individual housing. Here you need to take into account both the operation of elevators and the maintenance of the general building electrical network.
The final decision on the issues under consideration is made at the regional level. Here, not only the social norm of consumption is considered, but also the value of the tariffs themselves, which are used to pay for utilities. In addition, when making such decisions, the level of well-being of the population is analyzed and all kinds of individual characteristics of the area are taken into account.
The results of consideration of this issue are recorded in a normative act, which must be approved by the executive body of the Subject.
Electricity standards
Electrical energy is one of the most expensive resources, but citizens cannot do without its use.
To determine the amount of electricity consumption, the following aspects must be taken into account:
- is the apartment building equipped with elevators;
- gas or electric stoves installed;
- Are there water heaters in the room?
In addition, you need to take into account the number of rooms in the room, the number of citizens who live in it. The exact values are determined in the regulations “On the approval of consumption standards...” for each specific region. The authorities of the subject take into account the level of well-being of the population and the characteristics inherent in the area.
Depending on how many citizens live in the apartment, the value of electricity consumption changes. For example, when the norm for 1 person is 150 kW, for 2 it will be 225 kW.
Electricity consumption standards
Electricity is one of the most expensive resources for residential property owners (tenants). However, it is absolutely impossible to do without it in the modern world.
When determining the amount of electricity use in apartment buildings, the following parameters are taken into account:
- Availability of elevator equipment, electric or gas stoves, water heaters.
- Area, number of rooms in a residential building and the number of people living in it (registered).
Specific standards for electricity supply are established at the regional level , taking into account the well-being of the population and the individual characteristics of the area. The established consumption levels are fixed in a normative act approved by the executive body (Government) of the subject.
The standards for electricity consumption are such that the more people live in a room, the less kW per month per person. For example, in the Saratov region, in a city apartment of 2 rooms with an electric stove and water heater, 1 person has 203 kW per month. However, if 2 residents live there, then each person already has 126 kW. And then the standard decreases in proportion to the increase in the number of tenants.
Water and wastewater standards
For hot and cold water, the limit values are determined based on m3 per citizen. This standard may have significant differences, even if determined within the same municipal district.
The calculation formula uses several aspects:
- number of floors of the house;
- the degree of deterioration of the communications system;
- livability of the apartment.
When calculating the norm for water supply, you need to take into account the average volume of resource consumption for a shower, bathtub, and toilet. For example, if it is established that 1 person uses 7 cubic meters of water for a bath during a month, then the water consumed in excess of the specified figure must be paid at an increased rate.
Please note: in this case, general house needs will include what remains after deducting standards and meter readings. If meters are installed for hot water, their readings are used to calculate the amount.
Heating standard
To calculate the norm for heating, you need to take into account what resources are used to heat a particular room.
Can be used :
- wood heating;
- electrical;
- gas;
- coal
In addition, the standards imply taking into account the size of the room, the material from which the walls and roof are made, the level of deterioration of the building, and the average temperature established during the annual period.
During the calculation, the formula is used:
P = Pl*N*T , where:
- P – amount of payment;
- Pl – dimensions of living space;
- N – established standards;
- T – current tariffs.
Indicators valid in a particular region are taken into account.
Standards for heating consumption
The consumption standard for heating utilities usually does not raise questions. And the calculation of the use of this communal resource is quite simple and is based on only three criteria:
- Type of heat supply to the house. It can be electric (using modern devices), gas, coal or wood (using stoves).
- Living space area. However, parts of the apartment that are not heated are not taken into account, that is, balconies, terraces, loggias. All other housing is taken into account.
- Condition of the building: the materials from which the walls are made (this affects their heat transmission capacity), the level of wear and tear of the building (that is, how long ago it was built; the newer the house, the less heating is needed to warm it) and other factors.
There is a special formula that can be used to calculate heating fees in your region:
Pi = Si x NT x TT
Si is the total area of your living space (apartment);
NT is the consumption standard for housing and communal services for heating;
TT is the heat tariff set for your region and service provider.
The cost of this utility service is equal to the product of the area of living space (heated), heating standards (they are set individually) and the tariff established in the region.
Payment for housing and communal services if meters are not installed
In a situation where a house or a separate apartment is equipped with a meter, the information obtained when using this device will be taken into account when calculating the payment amount. Depending on where these devices are located, varieties can be distinguished: collective and individual.
However, citizens do not install this device in all situations. In this situation, consumption standards developed at the regional level are taken into account.
are also applied to dishonest owners , which are taken into account when calculating fees:
Year | Meaning |
2018 | 1,6 |
2019 | 1,7 |
2020 | 1,8 |
These rules apply only to persons who intentionally did not install metering devices in the premises. If the reason for not equipping the premises with a meter is technical impossibility, you will only need to pay the established standard. Sanctions are not provided in this situation.
However, the citizen needs to prove that it is impossible to place a meter in the apartment. Evidence shall be submitted in writing.
Payment of housing and communal services when there are no communal meters
A common house metering device helps determine the level of resource consumption by a specific home. Resolution No. 354 of 2011 indicates that citizens are responsible for paying not only for those resources that they consume within their residential premises, but also for gas, water, and heating spent on general household needs.
Making payment in this situation implies a calculation in proportion to how much space a specific apartment occupies in the total size of the apartment building. The standards set by each region separately are subject to accounting.
The absence of the device in question within the house poses a danger to residents. In a situation where an accident occurs, the scattered resource will be divided among all buildings that are not equipped with a metering device.
Thus, standards for the consumption of housing and communal services are determined at the regional and federal levels. When calculating payment, the established values are taken into account. If they are exceeded, the management company or resource supply organization enters increased amounts to calculate the amount.
Heating Consumption Standard for Moscow 2020
From the link below you can download current 2020 information on tariffs for water supply, sanitation, heating, electricity and gas supply for Moscow.
TARIFFS FOR COLD WATER AND WATER RESPIRATORY FOR THE POPULATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW, EXCEPT FOR THE POPULATION LIVING IN THE TERRITORY OF THE TROITSKY AND NOVOMOSKOVSKY ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW Be that as it may, heating standards are not observed, therefore consumers have every right to file a corresponding complaint and request recalculation of tariff plans.Choice One or another calculation method depends on whether a heat meter is installed in the house or apartment.
In the absence of a general house meter, tariffs are calculated according to standards, and those, as we have already found out, are determined by local authorities. This is done through a special decree, which also determines the payment schedule - whether you will pay all year round or exclusively during the heating season. Standards for the consumption of cold and hot water supply and wastewater disposal are also determined taking into account these indicators.
During the calculation process, the average volume of water consumption for a bath, shower and toilet is calculated. For example, it is established that 1 person uses 7 cubic meters of water per month for taking a bath. Metering devices that calculate how many resources were used in a specific residential premises help determine the cost of utilities for a specific premises.
Depending on the location of installation, they are divided into collective (community) and individual (apartment).