When is it forbidden to make noise, and what is the fine for violators of this rule?

“My home is my fortress,” this is what some apartment residents think and do whatever they want in their fortress, often violating the rights of their neighbors. Noise is the most common cause of quarrels between neighbors. By law, you can only make noise in an apartment during the day, and then within reason.

Repairs, music, children's crying, fun or everyday scandals - this is what surrounds us, and it is impossible to hide it. Everyone should try to show respect and understand the other in order to maintain good neighborly relations.

Are neighbors friends or enemies?

Today, in apartment buildings, many residents do not even know their neighbors on the landing. Everyone lives in their own world, locking themselves away from everyone in their apartment. Is it good? Everyone decides for themselves with whom and how to be friends. But everyone knows that man is a social being. This does not mean that you are obligated to know everything about the people living nearby, but you still need to know at least something about them, at least for your safety.

Good relationships with your neighbors will come in handy when you have to ask them for a favor. A neighbor may need your help. If you can do it, don't refuse.

Small favors, a common vestibule, cleanliness of staircases, housing office, friendly smiles and small concessions - this is what can unite well-mannered people living in the same house.

If you are unlucky with your neighbors, and the sounds from their apartment cause headaches for your household, you should tell your noisy neighbors how much noise you can make in your apartment and for how long. There is a legally approved time.

How long can you make noise in an apartment? We don't break laws

If the neighbor is decent, respects the opinion and peace of mind of the people living nearby, he will definitely warn the neighbors about renovations in the apartment and ask how much noise can be made in the apartment so that the noise does not become a nuisance or a big problem. But if it’s the other way around, then the neighbors themselves should talk to the repairmen and agree on a convenient time for noisy repair work.

Repair is a troublesome and lengthy task. Therefore, in order to finish it as quickly as possible, many are engaged in repair work from the first rays of sunshine until late at night. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to fall asleep to the buzzing sounds of a drill or the rhythmic hammering of a hammer. After such nights you wake up drunk, it seems that nails have been hammered not only into the wall, but also into your head. This is not so bad if only adults live in the house, but what to do when there are small children in the family, and the neighbors do not stop their nightly repairs and do not pay attention to the neighbors’ complaints, coming up with excuses that they have the right to do whatever they want in their apartment. There is no need to despair, the council exists not only for cheerful youth, but also for noisy neighbors who have started renovations.

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The law says: “Quiet!”

One of the sections of Law No. 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of Citizens” that came into force regulates silence in citizens’ apartments. According to the law, the permissible noise in an apartment should not exceed 40 dB during the day (from 07:00 to 23:00). And at night (from 23:00 to 07:00) the permissible noise level is reduced to 30 dB. For greater clarity, here are a few examples:

  • conversational speech level – from 45 dB to 60 dB;
  • baby crying - 80 dB;
  • car horn – 120 dB;
  • music in a nightclub – 110 dB;
  • a lethal level of 200 dB for humans is an explosion.

To ensure the peace of residents, the bill establishes prohibitions on:

  • performing noisy night repair work;
  • unloading and loading operations;
  • use of pyrotechnics after the specified time;
  • using sound amplifiers at night (in apartments, shops, cars);
  • screaming, whistling or singing at night.

Violators of the law are subject to fines.

Is it possible to vacuum at 7 a.m. in an apartment building?

In the Leningrad region, the punishment for loud behavior at night (10 p.m. – 7 a.m.) is much milder. Russians face no more than 2 thousand rubles. fine Other subjects of the Russian Federation In Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, legislators defined the period from 22.00 to 8.00 as night time. In Kazan it was reduced. It is prohibited to make noise there from 23.00 to 6.00.

  • 23 DB – indoor air conditioner unit;
  • 24 dB – noise of trees in strong wind;
  • 36 DB – external air conditioner unit;
  • 42 DB – modern refrigerator;
  • 45 dB – people talking;
  • 50 dB – printing printer;
  • 60 dB – a person’s scream during a quarrel;
  • 65 DB – household (low-power) screwdriver;
  • 80 dB – vacuum cleaner, baby crying, phone call;
  • 85 dB – playing a musical instrument;
  • 100 DB – motorcycle;
  • 100-120 DB – repair work (for example, a hammer drill, hammering);
  • 110 dB – music in a nightclub;
  • 140 DB – flying aircraft;
  • 200 dB - explosion.

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The law is sweeping the country

Some regions have amended the law “On Silence”, set their own restrictions on how much noise can be made in an apartment, and fines for violations. For private individuals, the amount of fines is rather symbolic (500 rubles), but a summons to court makes many people think and change their behavior. But for legal entities, administrative liability is much more serious and may even lead to the suspension of activities that create noise for 3 months.

For example, Moscow authorities have limited the noise of construction work on weekdays (from 9:00 to 19:00). In St. Petersburg, if silence is not maintained from 22:00 to 07:00, noisy neighbors pay a fine of up to 4,000 rubles, and organizations - up to 50,000 rubles. Subsequent similar violations increase the amount of fines.

Time when you can make noise in the apartment, or noisy neighbors, what to do

For those who are too lazy to read a useful and interesting article, here is the general answer - from 9.00 to 19.00 on weekdays, you can make noise. Reconstruction of an apartment associated with vibrations and noise is completely prohibited on holidays and weekends (this is an administrative matter). If you want to receive detailed and truly valuable information, then read the treatise written below.

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Of course, if at one in the morning you are woken up by the noise of a moving sofa, barking dogs, meowing of a cat, music, the stomping of feet in tarpaulin boots with a hint of a repair mess, then you need to keep a note of the number of the district police officer, in extreme cases, remember that excessive noise will be dealt with and dealt with service 102. But this is in case, when trying to pacify your rowdy neighbors on your own, you were sent very far away. There are times when a faucet burst, well, it happened at 3 o’clock in the morning, what can you do, endure the screams and the ringing of wrenches? No, you need to partially understand the situation of the people, if possible, provide moral assistance and turn off the water supply, let them endure until the morning, this is not a reason to make noise.

Cause of noise

Before reproaching your neighbors and waving a printed law in front of their noses, it is worth finding out the reason for the violation of order.

If before this noisy night the neighbors had never made noise, led a law-abiding lifestyle and were friendly, perhaps it is worth making a concession and being patient. What if they have a good reason to have fun, but there is no opportunity to celebrate in a cafe? Someday you will have a similar situation; fortunately, no one is immune from weddings, the birth of heirs and anniversaries. If the fun doesn’t stop for more than one day, they don’t know how much noise you can make in the apartment and when you should calm down a little, take measures.

Repair is another protracted undertaking that causes a lot of inconvenience. But no matter how annoying your neighbor’s renovation may be, you cannot “turn it off.” You need to understand your neighbors and remind them that there is a specially designated time (day) for noisy repair work. If you have a child, you will have to agree on “daytime silence” for sleep breaks. It is not beneficial for either party to quarrel, since in the future they will live next to each other.

When the source of the noise is the neighbor's children, it is very difficult to reach a compromise. Explaining to a child when it is forbidden to make noise in the apartment is possible only if it is not a baby. When parents spend their nights soothing and soothing a baby who has a tummy ache or is teething, the neighbors can only sympathize and be quietly angry. In other cases, you have the right to demand that your parents use the full force of their authority and upbringing to ensure silence at night.

Peaceful solution to the problem

Of course, if the noise behind the wall comes with every nightfall or occurs quite often, there is no time for ceremonies and good neighborly relations. But it is important to remember that any remark is unpleasant to a person and causes reciprocal irritation (even latent), and if it comes to court, it won’t take long to make an enemy on the landing. Therefore, try to solve the problem peacefully first.

Call your neighbors or go see them in person. Perhaps they simply forgot to look at their watch. If loud noises are heard behind the wall in the morning, you can immediately or during the day go to your neighbor and remind him how much noise can be made in the apartment. This time differs in different regions, usually six or seven o’clock in the morning.

War on neighborhood noise by law

If the noise in the neighboring apartment does not subside, and the owners do not respond to requests and comments, you can turn to government officials for help. You can call the police at number 02. When calling a squad, you need to remember that they may not arrive right away. Therefore, in order for the police to witness the noise, it is better to call them in advance, when everything is just beginning. They will have a conversation with the violators and tell them how much noise they can make in the apartment, if they, of course, open the door.

If night noise in a neighboring apartment has become regular, you can file a complaint with the local inspector. He is a representative of local authorities, his duty is to maintain order in the area entrusted to him.

How much noise can you make in an apartment and what to do if your upstairs neighbors disturb your peace

We have two boys, 2 and 3 years old. They love to jump and run, and when evening comes, the neighbors start knocking on the radiators at 8 o'clock. We put the children to bed at 10 o’clock in the evening, if we put them to bed earlier, they get up too early... I can’t do anything about this, the police even came to us. I explained everything to them and until 11 pm make even a noise with a drill... And whoever doesn’t like it, change your place of residence or die, these are children. I personally can’t calm them down for long, they don’t understand dad at all... This is temporary...

It tells you how to correctly report your neighbors disturbing your peace to the police, how to communicate with the police officers receiving the call, how they should respond to a report of noisy neighbors, and what sanctions can be applied to troublemakers.

District police officer to help

The complaint can be submitted in writing or orally. In the latter case, the district police officer records everything said. All applications are registered by the duty officer at the department. If you decide to prepare an application to the local police officer at home, the sample presented in this article will help you cope with the task.

Step-by-step instructions for submitting an application to a district police officer:

  1. The name and position of the inspector is indicated in the upper right corner. You can check this information by calling the office.
  2. After this data, indicate your full name, residential address and telephone number.
  3. Starting on a new line in the middle, write the word “statement.” And below you describe the essence of the complaint: who is making noise, how it is making noise, what time and how long it continues; why does this bother you? what measures were taken, what changed. If there are witnesses or other victims, be sure to include their information.
  4. After the description of the complaint, a date and signature with a transcript are placed below.
  5. Submit the application by registered mail or personally take it to the department and request an incoming number.

The district police officer must consider your complaint within three days.

The whole house can't sleep

If noisy neighbors disturb not only you, but also other residents of the house, you can prepare a collective complaint. Such complaints are usually more effective. A collective statement to a district police officer, the sample of which is practically no different from the one described above, must be formatted so that the full names of all applicants are indicated in the header, and the signatures of each with a transcript are indicated at the bottom.

Some houses have a notice board. Often it is replaced by the front door. You can print out a memo that will contain a link to the law and an explanation of how much noise can be made in the apartment and until what time.

And finally, think: is your apartment a source of noise? Perhaps the neighbors are embarrassed to tell you...

Most of us live in apartment buildings and have to put up with fairly poor sound insulation. Such audibility haunts loud music, noisy quarrels, and the sounds of repairs. But do not rush to spoil relations with your neighbors by trying to explain your attitude to what is happening behind their doors. There are rules according to which you can make noise in your own apartment, but within a certain time frame. Let's find out when this won't result in liability.

Most often, neighbors are annoyed by the sounds of renovation work being carried out. But this cannot be avoided if the house is multi-story. Someone is constantly improving their comfortable living conditions, someone is moving and updating their furnishings. Repairs are frequent and noisy. Therefore, when planning such work, everyone must know the legal regulations and strictly comply with them.

Let's start with what is meant by noise. By their nature, loud sounds are divided into:

  • repair (most often produced by power tools, for example, a hammer drill),
  • musical (loud singing, playing on musical installations and instruments),
  • screams, quarrels, parties.

At the same time, residents should not be disturbed by loud sounds at night, both inside the house and on the street. This also applies to various nightclubs, restaurants, and shops located in residential areas. The silence time limit includes work using large equipment, except for those related to the elimination of emergency situations on pipelines, as well as when ensuring the safety of residents in emergencies, fires, etc.

I have the right to turn on the vacuum cleaner at 7 am

I vacuum when my children are sleeping behind a closed door, it doesn’t bother them, and I don’t think it bothers the neighbors. I didn't even think about it at all. but I hate my neighbors with their hammer drills with a fierce hatred during my children’s naps. and I noticed it many times - as if specifically from 13.30 to 17.00. I just don’t have any strength. I wish I knew who was drilling, otherwise it spreads through the house so much that you wouldn’t even guess

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You can, but you don't need to. Otherwise, your neighbors will not care about you. In our house, there is a general restriction on noisy work strictly from 11.00 to 17.00. Not for an hour more. And we warn everyone about the noise (an announcement is on the board near the concierge if there is going to be gating or something similar).

Law on noise in apartment buildings in 2020

If during the day it is difficult, almost impossible, to deal with loud sounds, since this involves taking measurements of the noise level, then at night irritating sounds are subject to regulations. Annoying noises at night are regarded as an encroachment on the peace of citizens.

There is Federal Law No. 52-FZ, also called the law on silence, which establishes the optimal volume for safe noise in decibels:

  • during the day - 40 - 55 dB;
  • at night - up to 30 dB.

There is no single legislative act defining the hours when silence is established for all regions of Russia. But many of them have introduced restrictions at their level. For example, in some of them, including the Moscow region, there are also daytime hours when it is forbidden to disturb people’s peace.

From when and until how much you can make noise in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation

Regional local governments in 2020 determined hours of silence based on reasonable standards, as well as public surveys and frequent complaints from citizens. Almost everywhere they start from 22:00-23:00 and end at 6:00-7:00 am on weekdays. On weekends, rest time increases to 9:00-10:00 am.

In the capital region of the Moscow region, the time when you can make noise in an apartment or on the street differs significantly from many:

  • night hours are set from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays and from 22:00 to 10:00 on weekends,
  • Every day from 13:00 to 15:00 it is also prohibited to disturb the silence.

In Moscow

Quiet times range from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

In St. Petersburg

it is impossible to disturb the peace of citizens on weekdays from 22:00 to 8:00, and on weekends - from 20:00 to 12:00.

Peace and quiet in Russia by region, when you can’t make noise.

RegionsTime for peace and quiet
MoscowWeekdays from 23 00 to 7 00. Repair work from 19:00 to 9:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00 (does not apply if the apartment building was built within 1.5 years).
Moscow regionWeekdays from 21:00 to 8:00. Weekends and holidays from 22:00 to 10:00. Every day from 13:00 to 15:00. Repair work:
  • on weekdays from 19:00 to 9:00
  • on weekends from 19:00 to 10:00 (does not apply if the microdistrict was built within 6 months).
St. PetersburgWeekdays from 22 00 to 8 00 Weekends, holidays, repair work from 22 00 to 12 00.
Leningrad regionWeekdays from 23 00 to 7 00 Non-working days, repair work from 22 00 to 10 00.
Novosibirsk region, NovosibirskWeekdays from 22 00 to 7 00. On weekends, holidays, repair work from 22 00 to 9 00. Repair work:
  • on weekdays from 20 00 to 7 00
  • weekends from 20:00 to 9:00.
Sverdlovsk region, EkaterenburgWeekdays from 23 00 to 8 00. On weekends, holidays and repair work from 18 00 to 11 00.
Nizhny NovgorodWeekdays from 22 00 to 7 00. On non-working days, repair work is carried out from 23:00 to 10:00. Every day from 13:00 to 15:00 (except for country and garden areas).

You can find out the exact time when your actions will not be considered a violation of peace on the official website of the administration of the territory where you live.

How long can you listen to loud music in an apartment?

Loud music coming from behind a neighbor's wall annoys many residents of apartment buildings. It is quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, since it is sometimes impossible to explain to young people that these sounds do not allow small children or elderly people to rest peacefully.

Inviting representatives of Rospotrebnadzor during the day or evening to measure noise levels is an option available to few. More precisely, not everyone will contact the offender in such a radical way. If you just run out of patience. Although according to the law, sanitary standards strictly stipulate permissible noise level limits, measured in decibels. Having made measurements, it is necessary to draw a conclusion and hold the offender accountable.

Often it’s enough just to wait for the cherished 22:00 or 23:00 hours

evenings (as mentioned earlier, this figure is different for each region) and call the police.

The actions of those who like to listen to music loudly at night fall under the Code of Administrative Offences. Which involves imposing a fine, works better than ordinary peaceful negotiations with a loud neighbor.

Is it possible to drill on weekends? Law 2019

In addition to loud music, frequent complaints about disturbances include repair work. The noise from power tools - drills or hammer drills - is unpleasant either day or night. At the same time, neighbors who are construction workers don’t give you a break even on weekends.

According to the standard on weekends, drilling is not allowed from 22:00 to 8:00.

Frequent complaints from residents tired of repairs forced regional authorities to make amendments regarding their restrictions on weekends and holidays. In Moscow, you can now drill in your apartment only on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

. Some regions allowed high-profile repair work to take place on Saturday.

However, throughout Russia on Sunday, repair work cannot be carried out.

Therefore, when planning a major repair using power tools, you should think about it and take a number of measures to ensure peace of mind for your neighbors:

  • negotiate with the team or set for yourself the time for noisy work: from Monday to Friday inclusive - until 19:00, on weekends - break,
  • do not use tools whose operation causes noise exceeding 55 dB,
  • complete large jobs that require the use of noisy tools within a period of up to 3 months.

If you carry out repairs on your own in your free time, try to negotiate with your neighbors. And not just talk verbally, but sign an agreement. Not everyone, especially older people, agrees to tolerate this. But if approved, you will be sure that no one will call the police or impose a fine.

How much noise can you make on New Year and holidays?

According to the law of the Russian Federation in 2020, you can only make noise on January 1, celebrating the New Year holiday; on other holidays and weekends, the new law on silence sets a limit from 22:00 to 10:00.

On New Year's Eve, the time allocated for the use of pyrotechnics (firecrackers, fireworks, firecrackers) is from 22:00 to 4:00.

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After treating the apartment for bedbugs, you need to close it for 2-3 hours (preferably 5-6), and after returning, carry out limited cleaning in it and calmly return to it. For any questions related to the destruction of bedbugs, please call DezinCity (Moscow and Moscow region), +7 (812) 949-46-04 (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region) and (Krasnoyarsk).

0:21 – What generally needs to be done after treating an apartment for bedbugs. 0:44 — Is it necessary to carry out wet cleaning and wash the apartment after disinsection. 0:49 — When, in the optimal case, the apartment should be cleaned after treatment, so that the nymphs, which can hatch from surviving eggs 5-6 days after treatment, are killed. 0:59 — How to sweep and wash floors in the first days after sanitation. Do I need to diligently vacuum them and wash the baseboards? 1:16 — When can you return to your apartment after disinfection? 1:35 — How long should the apartment sit after bullying? 2:01 — How long after you can return to your apartment when treated with cold fog. 2:09 — When can you stay in the house after killing bedbugs with hot fog. Is it possible to live here as usual? 2:43 — Is it possible to sleep on a bed or sofa the first night after dealing with bedbugs. 3:14 — How long does it take to ventilate the apartment after bedbugs have been poisoned here? What actions to take in the future. 3:30 — How to clean an apartment after poisoning bedbugs. 4:07 — Which surfaces need to be washed immediately, and which are better to wash later. 4:34 — How to properly wash floors so that people and pets do not come into contact with the chemical, but the poison retains its effect for as long as possible. 5:03 — Is poisoning possible with the drug after airing the rooms? 5:47 — You should clean the apartment and completely wash all surfaces here when it becomes obvious that there are no bedbugs left here. If the bugs continue to poison you, you need to wait until they all die out. If the bugs are not completely eliminated and appear again after a while, repeated disinfestation will be required, and there is no point in carrying out treatment before that. It makes sense to do renovations in the apartment no earlier than 3 weeks after treatment and provided that not a single living bug was noticed after this period. 6:19 - After treatment, you can sleep on all sleeping places in the room - sofas, beds, couches, mattresses - without any worries. For complete peace of mind, you can lay 2-3 sheets on them, and wrap the pillows in 2-3 pillowcases, but there is no urgent need for this. The drug, which is absorbed into furniture upholstery and bed linen, does not penetrate into the air, does not reach human skin and no longer poses a danger. There is no need to clean sofas and beds after bedbugs. 6:50 — You can’t sleep on treated upholstered furniture, but you need to, so that the surviving bedbugs, trying to get close to a person, run over the surfaces with the drug and continue to be poisoned. If a person does not sleep on the bed, bedbugs will not run along the legs and body of the bed. It is advisable to use the bed, blankets and pillows that have been sprayed with the product. 7:19 — What to do with duvet covers and sheets that have been treated with the product. 7:30 — How to deal with children's rooms, with a children's bed and children's things. 7:45 — What to do with clothes, toys and dishes. Since they don't leave dead bed bugs behind, you can simply wipe them down, and if they were in closed cabinets, you don't need to do anything at all. 8:59 — How to behave if, during or after treatment, a person or pet shows signs of poisoning. Symptoms indicating that poisoning was caused by the drug. Instructions for further actions. How often do such poisonings occur? 9:57 — Which pets are most sensitive to insecticides.

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What measures are taken against a silence breaker?

Many first try to negotiate peacefully with those who like parties, loud music or construction. Some understand and behave appropriately. But this happens in quite rare cases. Most often, they can simply slam the door, and also be rude in response.

Here all that remains is to call the police in order to calm down the noisemakers, and also to face administrative responsibility. You can file a complaint against malicious partygoers to the local police officer, who, within the limits of his competence, will first hold explanatory conversations with them, and then, if the situation repeats, take punitive measures.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 6.4, determines the imposition of a fine on noisy neighbors in the amount of:

  • 500 - 1000 rubles for citizens;
  • 1000 - 2000 rubles for officials;
  • 1000 - 2000 rubles or suspend activities for up to 90 days for an individual entrepreneur;
  • 10,000 - 20,000 rubles or stop activities for up to 90 days at an LLC.

In the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 6.3, violation of silence entails:

  • for physical persons: 100 - 500 rubles;
  • for officials: – 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs: 500 - 1000 rubles;
  • for legal entities persons: 10,000 - 20,000 rubles.

The fine and penalties for violating silence in different regions of Russia may differ.

Thus, according to the Moscow Code of Administrative Offenses in Article 3.13, violation of silence entails:

  • 1000 - 2000 rubles (for individuals);
  • 4000 - 8000 rubles (for officials);
  • 40,000 - 80,000 rubles (for legal entities).

In St. Petersburg, according to Law N 273-70 “On Administrative Offenses”, as amended on May 31, 2010, it is established that persons disturbing the peace of citizens from 22:00 to 8:00 in the form of various noise are subject to warning or punishment in the form of a fine:

  • 500 - 5000 rubles (for individuals);
  • 25,000 - 50,000 rubles (for officials);
  • 50,000 - 200,000 rubles (for legal entities).

As a rule, such a measure of influence is quite effective. Another time, a neighbor will wonder if loud music is worth the expense. Moreover, repeated violations of peace and quiet can double the fine. If such measures are ultimately ignored, the violator of the silence may be arrested for 15 days.

The head of the Kaluga Region police department will tell you what to do if your neighbors violate the “Law on Silence.”

Arrangement of a new apartment or cosmetic finishing of an old one is a noisy and labor-intensive procedure that takes more than one day or even a week. At the same time, construction contractors and property owners who carry out work on their own do not always comply with the legal repair time, thereby creating discomfort for neighbors. Some people don’t think about this issue at all and continue to tap walls, loudly knock with a hammer and drill partitions with an electric drill even after midnight.

The legal aspects of interior finishing work involving noise are of concern to many residents. However, unfortunately, there is no single document that would regulate the repair time in an apartment building and a private home. Each individual region of the Russian Federation develops its own regulations and rules that establish acceptable time frames for activities related to the reconstruction of premises. Also, in various cities there are special standards for the operation of housing stock, which provide for liability for violation of repair time according to the law (most often in the form of fines).

In order not to disturb neighbors, repairs should be done only during the time permitted by law.

All rules in force throughout the country are designed to protect the interests of individuals and legal entities who are the owners of living space in multi-apartment buildings. The development and approval of legal norms takes place on the basis of the Resolutions of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with the Administrative, Housing and Civil Codes of the Russian Federation.

From what time and until what time can you make repairs in an apartment?

When considering the question of at what time repairs can be made, in general, it is necessary to highlight the main points that are the same for most cities in Russia. Thus, in almost all regions of the country the following restrictions apply:

  • on weekdays (Monday to Friday) it is allowed to start noisy work no earlier than nine in the morning, and it must be completed no later than seven in the evening;
  • It is prohibited to carry out repairs on weekends and public holidays;
  • It is not permitted for any construction work to begin before 8:00 and end after 20:00;
  • the previous paragraph also applies to the import of construction materials and the removal/removal of garbage from the work site;
  • It is not allowed to carry out repairs on weekends and holidays if it is associated with fire-hazardous work;
  • the duration of continuous construction activity cannot exceed six hours; otherwise, you need to pause for sixty minutes (or more), after which you can start doing it again.

It is worth noting that in a number of regions of Russia, the permissible time for repairs in apartment buildings is extended to eight o’clock in the evening, and work with flammable and combustible materials must be carried out no later than 16:00 on weekdays.

In addition, in many localities of the Russian Federation, Saturday is not considered a day off for noisy renovation of living space.

You can start noisy work no earlier than nine in the morning

How long can you vacuum in an apartment?


Law enforcement agencies must deal with aggressive citizens who flout the law. To stop regular violations of silence, you should write a statement to the local police officer. He will come to the neighbors and, perhaps, at the first contact he will limit himself to conducting an explanatory conversation.

A party with loud laughter and music can cause discomfort and drive away sleep. An adequate solution in such a situation would be to ask them to turn down the volume and be quieter. If the neighbors did not listen to polite treatment, and even became rude in response, then feel free to call the police.

How long can you legally carry out renovations in an apartment?

On average, in the regions of Russia, administrative fines for such offenses are set for citizens in the amount of one thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to twenty-five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from ten thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.

Compliance with these standards and requirements must be monitored by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority (measures the noise level, draws up a protocol on this fact), Rospotrebnadzor , as well as the district police officer , who accepts written applications for violations from residents of the house and, if necessary, is present at the scene of the proceedings.

From what time and until how long can you make noise in an apartment?

Often, some “gifted” child appears in apartments, who plays the violin or torments the piano all day long, and even if the child is truly gifted and plays well, hardly anyone wants to wake up early every day to the sound of sonnets and polonaises. And even more so from the rumble of the guitar of some young or not so young rocker.

This amendment to the law cannot but surprise, because most people can carry out repair work only on weekends, and loud music can hardly be considered better than the sound of a hammer or the noise of a drill. However, the law is the law and will have to be followed in any case. And yet, there is always a way out, because you can simply reach an agreement with your neighbors.

Well, ignorance of the laws plays into the hands here, because not everyone knows that currently in Russia it is prohibited to carry out noisy repair work in the evenings and on weekends. Many are convinced that, just as with other types of noise, it is possible to work with a hammer drill and other noisy power tools, hammers, etc. and create other types of repair and construction noise until 10 pm.

However, if one of the neighbors is aware of the law and demands silence, you will have to comply with the requirement.

Time when you can make noise in the apartment, or noisy neighbors, what to do

Neighbors set up an underground stone processing workshop? Moving furniture every night? Does the child living above constantly drop a steel ball and jump on the floor in wooden sneakers? Music, dancing and other noise from evil neighbors keeping you from falling asleep? This article may improve the situation!

2. Music, dancing, singing, slamming of the refrigerator door and other sounds must be stopped at 23.00 and tolerated until 7.00 , during the specified periods of time, a curfew has been established, noise cannot be made in the apartment. Walk on tiptoes, quietly watch TV, or sleep from 11 pm to 7 am.

How much noise can you make during repairs?

  • What time will the repairs be done?
  • Are they going to use noise-making devices (drill, hammer drill);
  • If you have a small child, a sick relative, or an elderly person, notify your neighbors about their bedtime. And ask not to carry out construction work with strong noise effects during this time period.
  • You can start any noisy work no earlier than 9 a.m. local time (on weekends from 10:00 a.m.);
  • The completion of construction operations must be no later than 22:00 pm (in some areas 19:00);
  • Working hours should not exceed 6 hours per day.
  • When removing rags and garbage from the premises, do not block passages to apartments and staircases;
  • Repairs to residential premises should not exceed 3 calendar months. For works of a longer nature, it is necessary to obtain written consent from neighbors;
  • Regardless of the redevelopment of the living space, load-bearing walls, as well as partitions between apartments, should not suffer;
  • The use of a passenger elevator for transporting construction materials and garbage without special packaging is strictly prohibited;
  • It is not permissible to use rotary hammers, drills and jackhammers when renovating an apartment if their noise potential exceeds 40 decibels;

Other important points of renovation in an apartment according to the law

In addition to the requirements for the time of day, in residential buildings there are a number of other restrictions regarding construction and finishing work. Thus, regardless of the complexity of the enterprise and the volume of tasks, repairs cannot be carried out for more than three months. At the same time, the arrangement of private property should not cause material damage to adjacent premises.

Separate requirements apply to access areas and elevators. Thus, it is prohibited to clutter stairwells and escape routes in case of emergency with garbage and construction materials. Passenger lift cabins are not allowed to be used for the removal of construction materials and waste that do not have packaging.

The sanitary and epidemiological service also normalizes the threshold for vibration and noise levels. In apartment buildings, the limit value should not exceed 40 decibels. If noisier equipment is used, residents can file a complaint against the violator, for which administrative liability is provided in the form of a warning (in case of non-systematic violations) or a fine.

Legal aspects of carrying out repair activities have today become a headache not only for many residents of apartment buildings, but also for the craftsmen themselves. However, we must not forget that such a structure is a public facility where many people live. Therefore, all owners of apartments in this building must be mutually polite and carry out repairs in the apartment according to the law.

Respectable relations with neighbors can significantly facilitate and speed up the finishing of an apartment. For example, if the owner of a new apartment managed to collect signatures from residents stating that they would not be against construction work at an unspecified time, then he can safely implement his design ideas before 8:00. And he won’t have to worry about how long it will take to make repairs in the apartment.

Additional time for noisy work can be negotiated with neighbors

However, you need to be prepared for rejection. After all, some may have small children, while others work the night shift and cannot rest in the noise. Therefore, if the neighbors answered “no”, repairs will have to be carried out only at regulated time intervals.

Almost every resident of apartment buildings has encountered the problem of noise in the neighborhood, which interferes with sleep or work. But is it possible to fight this and if so, how?

What to do if you yourself are the source of noise and thereby greatly irritate the inhabitants of your home? To answer these questions, it is enough to know what you are entitled to if you suffer from a noisy neighbor. You also need to remember how long you can tolerate noise, and when it’s worth fighting it.

The twenty-first century is deservedly recognized as the noisiest. And this is not at all surprising, since around us there are continuous sources of noise in the form of cars, household appliances, and repair equipment. People themselves are often the source of noise, because not everyone knows how to control the volume of their own voice when communicating.

All this noise can have a detrimental effect on the general well-being of any normal person. The human body needs regular and quality rest. Against the background of noise interference, people often cannot rest properly. As a result, insomnia, migraines, chronic fatigue and irritability can develop.

So that every person could rest and accumulate energy for the next day, Federal Law No. 52 “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards” was developed, regulating the well-being of the population.

One of the points of this law is devoted to permissible noise exposure during the day. The first law of this kind in our state was adopted back in 2002. Since then, it has been constantly supplemented and updated.

In 2020, some changes were made to the law that will help protect against neighbors making noise above the permissible level at inappropriate times. By knowing the basic requirements of this law, you can avoid unnecessary irritation from neighbors and receiving fines for being too loud.

In order to know how and what to deal with, you must first understand what exactly is considered a violation of silence.

By law it is:

  • Talking or shouting too loudly;
  • Pyrotechnic products;
  • Repair work and equipment that can disturb the peace of the residents of the house;
  • Construction work that is carried out close to or directly in a residential building;
  • Sound amplifiers used in public places (including those operating while the car is moving);
  • Loud music or singing;
  • Repeated activation of the car alarm;
  • Household appliances with increased noise output;
  • Animals that make loud noises.

Noise of any kind that can disturb the peace of surrounding citizens, both during the day and at night, can become a cause for conflict with all the ensuing consequences.

The permissible noise level during the daytime is 40 decibels, and at night – 30. Violation of these standards may result in administrative punishment in the form of a fine.

Is it possible to renovate an apartment on Saturday?


Each of us sometimes faces the need for small household repairs in the apartment: rehanging paintings, covering the balcony, re-laying the floors, replacing plumbing, and so on. At the same time, we are not talking about global redevelopment, but only about improving the comfort or aesthetics of housing. But what if you work all week and only have time for repairs on the weekend? Is it possible to use a drill, other “loud” tools, knock and move furniture when the rest of your neighbors are taking a well-deserved rest and may have a very negative attitude towards noisy work in your apartment?

Let's look into this issue.

First, let's determine the list of works that relate to the redevelopment of the apartment. * It is impossible to carry out many of these works without special approval from the executive committee, not only on weekends, but also on weekdays. So, the redevelopment work in the apartment includes:

replacement or relocation of gas supply, central heating, waste disposal, gas removal systems;

device of hydro-, steam-, heat- and sound insulation;

changes in supporting structures;

changing the area, number of living rooms and utility rooms in the apartment by dismantling existing and (or) installing new partitions (the law generally prohibits converting loggias into a heated room);

changing the area and number of rooms in isolated non-residential premises due to dismantling existing and (or) installing new partitions;

device, increasing openings in non-load-bearing walls and partitions.

All reconstruction and redevelopment work that creates noise or vibration on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), as well as holidays, is prohibited by law . On weekdays, it is also forbidden to start such work before 9 o’clock and finish it later than 19. If you break these rules, neighbors have the right to complain and you will be fined.

Other work is not considered redevelopment or refurbishment , which means: insulating or sheathing walls in apartments and loggias, installing suspended ceilings, changing floor coverings, plumbing fixtures, doors in rooms, etc. can be done on Saturday, Sunday, and on holidays, but on the condition that the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises ** are observed, stating that in the period from 23 to 7 o’clock no actions should be taken that create vibration and noise (including performing household (repair) work, carrying out manual loading and unloading work , sudden closing of doors, etc. actions).

Of course, in addition to complying with legal regulations, you also need to be guided by common sense - it’s unlikely that your neighbors will be happy with a 10-hour drill or constant knocking and noise every weekend.


Oleg Bandyk, lawyer:

— However, citizens are obliged to comply with the sanitary, epidemiological and technical requirements established for residence, fire safety rules, the requirements of these Rules and other requirements established by law (clause 7.2 of the Rules).

Permissible and maximum sound levels in residential premises of a residential building must comply with Sanitary Standards (clause 37 of the Sanitary Standards, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health dated August 20, 2015 N 95). In this case, the permissible noise level is a noise level that does not cause significant concern in humans and does not cause significant changes in the indicators of the functional state of systems and analyzers that are sensitive to noise (paragraph 2, part 1, clause 4 of the Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards approved by the resolution Ministry of Health dated November 16, 2011 N 115).

Thus, if the use of a tool (perforator) at any time creates a noise level that exceeds sanitary standards, then this is a violation of the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises and may entail administrative liability under Art. 21.16 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offences.

How can you still make repairs and not quarrel with those who live nearby?

Based solely on the experience of those who have done renovations in an apartment, we can offer several tips that, I think, will be very useful for maintaining good neighborly relations.

Firstly, you need to warn your neighbors that you are planning to carry out repairs this coming weekend and make a little noise, asking them to be lenient about it. The main rule here is politeness. The position “I have the right and that’s all!” unproductive - you still have to live here. By the way, in some owners' associations they enter into a kind of agreement with all residents, in which they undertake, if necessary, to carry out work at a time convenient for their neighbors.

Secondly, during repairs it is worth protecting both yourself and your neighbors from various kinds of troubles: for example, leaks (which is possible when changing plumbing fixtures and pipes), pipe blockages (if you wash tools in the sink that are stained with plaster, cement and other construction materials). mixtures). In addition, you need to take care of removing garbage, which accumulates in huge quantities after large-scale repairs. Containers in courtyards are intended exclusively for household waste, and if you fill them with the remains of old plumbing fixtures or pieces of plaster, conflicts with neighbors cannot be avoided.

Thirdly, if you do not do the repairs yourself, but resort to the help of other workers, ask the construction crew to carry out noisy work intermittently; perhaps the neighbor’s children or old people need to sleep during the day. Explain to employees that if a conflict situation arises with neighbors, they should stop working and not enter into conflict, since it is you who are interested in friendly relations with neighbors and only you can act as an authority in resolving the conflict. In addition, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of cleaning, since it is unlikely that during a large-scale renovation it will be clean not only in the apartment, but also in the entrance.

The main thing you need to understand is that renovation is a contagious phenomenon, and sooner or later your neighbors may also start it, so imagine how you will feel in such a situation.


* Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 16, 2013 No. 384 “On some issues of reconstruction and redevelopment, installation of individual antennas and other structures on the roofs and facades of multi-apartment residential buildings, as well as reconstruction of residential buildings.”

** “Rules for the use of residential premises, maintenance of residential and auxiliary premises” were approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 21, 2013 No. 399.

Community literacy portal

11 Nov 2016


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Comments +9 Alina 12/23/2018 00:29 Hello. I do not agree with the lawyer's comment. According to the Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Noise in workplaces, in vehicles, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas”, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated November 16, 2011 No. 115 Clause 2. Sanitary requirements rules do not apply to: 2.3.
noise from sound-reproducing and sound-amplifying devices; 2.4. noise in residential areas caused by: human activity (playing musical instruments, using pyrotechnics, loud speech and singing, performing household (repair) work, carrying out manual loading and unloading operations, abruptly closing doors, keeping pets, etc.). Based on the above, I conclude that it is impossible to bring to administrative liability under Part 1 of Article 21.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus for using a hammer drill at any time of the day, since sanitary rules do not apply to the noise of repair work. If you follow the opinion of a lawyer, then you can be held accountable for a hole in the wall made with a hammer drill during the day, because... The noise of the hammer drill is approximately 100 dBA, and the maximum noise level in the apartment from 7 to 23 according to the standards is 55 dBA. If I'm wrong, please clarify why. Thank you. +4 Gennady 01/18/2019 21:37 Is it allowed to install laminate flooring on Saturday?

-17 Elena 02.02.2019 14:34 I also don’t agree with the above, if hired workers are doing the repairs (finishing), then why should I take a break from work when someone needs to sleep? i.e. the neighbors need to give in, and thereby injure themselves. But the neighbors can’t tolerate temporary noise, understanding me that I need to finish the repairs?

+6 Koptur Yulia 11/25/2019 09:42 Children cannot tolerate it. And you, as a normal neighbor, should take this into account!

+1 Pavel 02/09/2019 21:56 The references to the law indicate that repairs cannot be carried out on weekends and holidays. There is nothing written about Saturday, and nowhere in the law does it say that Saturday is a general day off or a holiday. Based on this, it turns out that on Saturday you can drill and chisel. Or am I wrong?

+1 Vera 04/14/2019 22:34 I quote Pavel:

The references to the law indicate that repairs cannot be carried out on weekends and holidays. There is nothing written about Saturday, and nowhere in the law does it say that Saturday is a general day off or a holiday. Based on this, it turns out that on Saturday you can drill and chisel. Or am I wrong?

So I’m wondering whether or not repair work can be carried out on Saturday from 9.00-19.00?
+6 Admin 04/15/2019 10:45 It’s possible. Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus establishes that the general day off is Sunday.

-4 Dollie 12/06/2019 08:11 Nothing can be done about it.

Update list of comments

Until what time do neighbors have the right to make noise?

Specific time frames regulating the possibility of noisy activity of neighbors are not specified in the law “On Silence”. The right to regulate this issue in a temporary space is vested in regional authorities.

Thus, in each individual region, the time of the “noise day” may differ slightly.

A similar restriction is adopted by local councils. The average time during which the silence regime must be observed in the regions of the country is between 23:00 and 7:00.

In addition to the above rules, others also apply:

  • Continuous noisy construction work cannot exceed 6 hours;
  • Repair work, regardless of whether it was carried out daily and whether it was noisy, should not last more than 3 months;
  • The noise coming from special equipment should not be higher than 40 decibels;
  • If there is a need to carry out any construction or repair work at a time not intended for this, it is imperative to agree on this issue in writing with all neighbors without exception;
  • Any music lessons, development of practical skills in playing musical instruments or singing should be stopped when a period of silence occurs;

The law on silence: how much noise can you make in an apartment, liability for violating the law on silence

Added: On December 1, 2020, deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma adopted in final reading the bill “On Amendments to the Law “On Ensuring Peace and Peace of Citizens in the Moscow Region,” according to which it is prohibited to make noise in apartment buildings in the region before 9 a.m. and after 7 p.m.

  • Turn on TVs, music equipment, etc. at high volume. In this case, it is considered a violation not only to turn on sound sources at high volume in non-residential premises, apartments on the streets, but also in premises where trade is carried out (shop, trade pavilion, shopping salon, etc.).
  • Scream, sing loudly, play various musical instruments.
  • Turn on alarms that operate by sound notification.
  • Explode fireworks and other pyrotechnics.
  • Perform various repairs, as well as loading and unloading work.

Time limits according to which neighbors can make noise on weekends

On weekdays, loud repairs or other sources of noise do not often disturb neighbors, since most people are at work during the day. But doing noisy work on weekends can cause increased dissatisfaction and even lead to the emergence of conflicts and scandals on this basis.

In order to avoid clashes, neighbors can agree in advance how and when they can make noise. Otherwise, you need to be aware of local regulations that allow you to work at high volumes on Saturdays and Sundays or other legal holidays.

By law, in almost all regions of the country, the silence regime on Saturday is no different from weekdays. But on Sunday, neighbors do not have the right to violate the silence throughout the day.

This rule also applies to all holidays except January 1st. Although there are, of course, still regions in which Saturday is also a day to rest from noise.

Until what time can you make noise in an apartment - 2020 standards

  • it is strictly prohibited to make noise or hold noisy events in the apartment on days that are considered weekends and holidays in accordance with federal and local laws in force in the Russian Federation (it is worth separately noting that not all regions of the Russian Federation have Saturday as a day off);
  • It is prohibited to carry out various types of noise work on non-working days (for example, weekends and holidays), among other things, you cannot drill;
  • on weekdays, it is strictly forbidden to make noise until nine in the morning (in some cities and regions - until eight in the morning);
  • the noise level, in any case, must comply with the standards established by law (usually, the maximum permissible noise level is set at 40 dBA);
  • It is necessary to stop performing any noise repair work (for example, drilling) before seven o'clock in the evening (in some regions - until eight o'clock in the evening).

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Each of us, when purchasing our own home, imagines a picture of an ideal life in our own apartment, which is full of happiness and silence. But sometimes it happens that your neighbors make noise all day and night, thereby destroying your dreams of the absence of noise. It often happens that after a few days the noise stops and the issue resolves itself. But there are other situations when the noise only intensifies, and the strength to endure this violation becomes less and less.

Dealing with noisy neighbors

If you are unlucky with your neighbors, and they allow themselves to make noise as much as they please, you have the opportunity to influence their way of life. It is certainly quite difficult to achieve a result in this war, but it can be done legally.

To begin with, all civilized people have the right to try to reach an agreement and ask a neighbor not to make noise when it is already prohibited or to make noise less when his work or entertainment exceeds the permissible volume.

If such negotiations do not produce results, then you have the right to contact law enforcement authorities. They must act according to the law, taking decisive action against violators who do not know or do not want to know how long and how loudly they can engage in high-profile cases.

Violators of civil peace have the right to impose an administrative fine, which can become a significant means of punishment.

If a lawbreaker repeats his illegal actions, law enforcement officials have the right to impose a double fine on him. In case of malicious disobedience to the decision of local authorities and violation of the law “On Silence”, he can be arrested for 15 days.

The size of the fine is determined by the decision of local councils and can range from 1,000 to 50,000 rubles. The amount depends not only on the region, but also on who the fine is imposed on (legal entity or individual).

If police representatives refuse to respond to a call, and a neighbor still does not want to pay attention to how noisy he is in an apartment building, you don’t just need to call the duty station. For a more effective response, you can ask the police for the serial number of your call, which they assign to each call.

You also have the right to demand an explanation of why they refused to respond to the appeal. As a rule, such a conversation will become an impetus for police officers to perform their duties.

Many Muscovites have a vague idea of ​​the content of capital law No. 42, so we remind you: from 23.00 to 7.00 you cannot make noise in any way. Playing the guitar and watching a movie with loud sound is also noise. The only exception is compliance with religious requirements. But this does not mean that you can turn on the audio recording of the Koran at full volume or read the “Our Father” at an open window all night long. There are no other rules if the HOA or housing cooperative has not established internal rules. For example, there is a taboo on repair work at lunchtime - the same time when small children have a nap. “This is a very common practice in Moscow,” says Evgenia Yunisova, executive director of the Association of Homeowners’ Associations and Housing Cooperatives

. “Moreover, both young mothers and pensioners insist on introducing a “quiet period” lasting about three hours.”

Repair by the hour

We will not suggest that you “come to an amicable agreement with your neighbors.” We are sure that this is the first thing you will do if someone behind the wall is constantly making noise. You shouldn’t pay attention to popular advice from numerous Internet forums (such as “I’m fed up with my neighbor, what should I do?”). Why? So, for the most part, they are illegal (such as knocking on the battery at night, damage to electrical wires and panels, cold welding of the front door by rowdies, etc.). The most desperate ones (those for whom their neighbors decide when they go to sleep) play a “Hello Neighbors” file downloaded from the Internet early in the morning (a recording of a squealing drill, a family quarrel, a repeated children’s song, or a barking dog).

But there is still a way out. To prevent numerous showdowns “due to noise,” Moscow deputies decided to supplement the capital’s law No. 42 with special requirements for repair work. Alexander Semennikov, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Legislation, to AiF.

. — On the Active Citizen portal, people voted for the proposed changes. Namely: until what hour can repairs be done and whether Sundays and public holidays should be declared “days of silence,” making an exception only for new-built houses. The results are as follows: the majority voted for repairs from 9.00 to 19.00, the introduction of “days of silence” and special conditions for new buildings within 1-2 years after the completion of the house.” Another important innovation is the introduction of a “quiet hour” from 13.00 to 15.00. On December 9, the Moscow City Duma adopted the amendments in the second and third readings at once, which means that in the spring of 2020 the law on silence will become much stricter.

When someone disturbs you with noise:

Call the local police officer. If his number is not available, call the police. The representative of the internal affairs department has the right not to limit itself to a preventive conversation, but to submit the compiled protocol to the court. The magistrate is authorized to sentence the brawler to a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles.

Team up with other neighbors who are also bothered by night noise. If you do not receive help from law enforcement agencies, individually and collectively go to court.

Make additional soundproofing in your apartment (but this will not get rid of noise completely, especially if it comes from above).

If it doesn't help

If there are children in a noisy apartment, write to the police: “I suspect that the children from apartment No. N are in danger. At night and during the day, you can regularly hear their screams and crying, obscene threats from adults, loud music and conversations in raised voices.”

See if rowdies have seized part of the common area (the most common option is to enlarge the apartment by adding a common hall). Furniture and other personal items placed in the hallway are also suitable. Write a complaint to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate about littering the corridor (this can cause a fire) and the seizure of common meters. If everything is in order on the outside of the apartment, but renovations are clearly underway (or have recently been completed) inside, contact the same organization with a complaint: “Check the legality of the redevelopment.”

If it is not the owner who is rowdy, but the tenants, write a statement to the police asking them to check whether the apartment is being rented legally. At the same time, you can also ask the capital’s Federal Tax Service whether your neighbor pays taxes on this income.

If you find out the mobile phone numbers of brawlers, you can not only call them day and night, but also sign them up for advertising mailings from hundreds of companies (this is easy to do via the Internet).

When you disturb your neighbors

  • Make additional sound insulation, lay carpets, glue special pads to furniture legs, adjust doors. In many houses, the sound insulation “according to the design” is very weak, so hearing neighbors within 2-3 floors is the norm.
  • After 23.00 watch TV and listen to music on headphones.
  • Teach your family that from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. you can’t make noise “even for 5 minutes.”

If you behave quietly, but your neighbor is inappropriate and comes to argue over a fallen cup, you can:

  • write a statement against him to the local police officer (they say they are threatening me with death);
  • turn off the doorbell;
  • turn off your landline, change your mobile number.

Infographics Photo: AiF

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