Gift of property to husband or wife
What is the easiest way to transfer an apartment to your wife?
We give an apartment to my wife: the legal aspect of the gift In life, different scenarios are possible. It happens that
How to find out the cadastral number by conditional
Conditional cadastral number
What is a conditional cadastral number of a property? What it is? Under the conditional cadastral number
Encumbrance on an apartment
Last updated: 02/05/2020 An encumbrance is any restriction on the ownership of an apartment. In this case
future housing for young families
Deadline for registering a mortgage agreement through the MFC
Home / MFC Back Published: 01/02/2020 Reading time: 3 min 11 57407 Purchasing
What does Registration in Russia give to a Citizen of Ukraine?
General rules for registering foreigners According to existing legislation regarding the registration of foreigners, each
Installation of fences in the local area of ​​an apartment building
Is it possible by law to fence the adjacent territory of an apartment building?
According to current legislation, each multi-apartment building has its own adjacent territory. It is intended for
How to flash a house register and number it
According to the established rule, any document consisting of more than one sheet must be filed. Counts,
Where is the purpose of non-residential premises indicated?
A change in the purpose of premises represents a change in its characteristics and type of use. For shift purposes
The gift is not for everyone
Emergency housing is living quarters that are in poor condition, so such housing is not
You can count on government support if the property was destroyed
Does the state provide assistance in building a house in rural areas, and how much does it cost to assess the living space for such a subsidy?
Who will receive state support Only citizens can receive a subsidy for housing construction in rural areas
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